'tis only a flesh wound


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
MLPTP Supporter
Oct 7, 2007
This was a scary ebay win. I was watching the seconds pass by and I was hoping I wouldn't have to pay that much but I am happy with getting her. I almost passed out watching that price go higher.

My Little Pony Dream Beauty Highflying Skyflyer
Congrats on your win. I just got two ponies from that seller. The shipping is fast and they are at least as good if not better than described. I think you will be happy. I was very happy with mine. :)
I was bidding :( i was going to go even higher except i ran out of time unfortunately.
Wow she is stunning! Congrats on your new addition! Sometimes we just have to splurge and spoil ourselves a little. Can't wait for you to get her!

I got her today and she was a little dissapointing. But I managed to clean her up now she looks great!