The TP Pony Trivia 2008..questions, Final question is up hop in everyone!

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Answer: The Mexican versions are male and have no tinsel.
In Mexico, Princess ponies were actually Prince Ponies, even though they shared poses and backcard stories with US princess ponies. They don't have any tinsel in their hair, and instead of the huge tinsel forelock US princesses had, they have three rows of hair plugs on their forehead. :)
They were sold as Prince ponies instead of Princesses and they did not have tinsel in their hair.
They were called "Prince" ponies and lacked tinsil in their hair (Including the big puff of tinsil at the front)
Well, I found a couple of things tht was different: They had no tinsel(glitter), They were called princes not princesses, they came with a glittery comb that the US didn´t and they don´t have any marking under their feet... donno if the US does, but it does not say anything about it so I gues they have it...... All in the research......:super:
Princess ponies were actually Prince Ponies, and they had no tinsel. They only produced three ponies out of the six ponies included in the original US set: Moondust, Misty and Dawn and they were given different names. Prince Emerald, Prince Ruby, Prince Sapphire. and they had unmarked feet.
Answer: Mexican Princesses were actually male and they didn't have tinsel in their hair.
They were actually Prince male ponies, and had no tinsel in their hair!
They were male ponies. I don't think they had tinsel either.
Okay this may not count now, but I didn't want to ruin the question when my answer came up visible, so I had to edit it out. My answer was,

The Mexican Prince ponies have no tinsel and their manes have 3 rows of hair plugs instead of two. They are also considered to be male instead of female.

Sorry about that....
Half an answer: They were boys (don't know the other different, drat).
The princess ponies were sold as prince ponies in mexico so they were male versus being female.. Also they didnt have tinsel in their hair at all.
I know they were marketed as male ponies rather than females, but other than that, I have no idea what the differences are. ^^; I'm not well-versed in nirvanas. Do I get half a point? lol
Yes they were Princes. They also had different names from the US releases and lacked tinsel. So if you got the tinsel or different names and the prince bit three points for you!

However was hard. So a point for anyone who got the last question half right.

Now as far as double posting and editing goes...please preview your posts before hitting submit, it's much easier all round. Avea I'll be nice this time do try previewing first next time though.

Next up:

7. What pony pre dated the MLP line?
Answer: My Pretty Pony (brown version was first, than peach version)
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