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MLPTP EVENT The MLPTP's "Luck of the Irish" GIVEAWAY! Winner announced!


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005

This event has ended! Click here to see who won!


Hello, MLPTP members!

The admin team took a little break for Valentine's Day, so we're back with a brand new giveaway
for none other than the Irish holiday of St. Patrick's Day!

Are you feeling lucky? :minty:

ONE lucky winner will receive everything shown in the image above,
including a beautiful G3 custom by Ristvak!


How to enter:

Post a comment below including:

- A photo of your favorite GREEN pony

- Why you feel lucky to be a part of our MLPTP community <3

The winner will be drawn via Random.org on Tuesday, 3/8/22 at 6pm EST




1. @MegaLeafeon
2. @Tak
3. @peaches2217
4. @lunchpunk
5. @stjarne
6. @Gaultier100
7. @my little pony collector
8. @Zerobx
9. @Skandydandy
10. @howdydoody
11. @mistclover4
12. @Glistening Rainlight
13. @OctoberMoon
14. @vitaminwater
15. @skelliebrains
16. @Sassarazzmadazzles
17. @Celestia23
18. @MoonRaven
19. @Glory the Magic Unicorn
20. @Apple Spice
21. @picsou

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This Lyra has some special memories, though usually I prefer a darker green.
I’m lucky to be a part of the mlptp, because it has connected me to friends, ponies, and social interactions that I otherwise wouldn’t have. It’s my happy place. :ooo:FA36680A-6C17-416B-AB5E-8299D1F4C418.jpeg

I love my Braided Beauty! I found her in poor shape at Savers a few weeks ago and have been working tirelessly to restore her. She’s the first pony I’ve ever tried to restore, so now she holds a special place in my heart.

And I’m lucky to be part of MLPTP because it’s so welcoming. My girlfriend and I joined a month ago when we first started collecting in earnest and have been met with nothing but warmth and good advice. We hope to be part of this community for a long time to come!

ironically enough, i just got minty today!!! this is her post-cleaning, even though i definitely still have some work to do :rolleyespony:
that being said, i'm still quite new here but i'm still absolutely in awe of how welcoming and kind this community is, i've already learned so much and i think it's great being in a place where we can all celebrate our passions together and lift each other up, it's absolutely wonderful and i couldn't be luckier (pun intended) <3
oh i love this!


my favorite 'green' pony would have to be Minty & a few of her G3 variants. she's one of the ponies i remember having in my childhood collection- more so her 3D cutie mark version. (thats the last one i need!) currently i have her red marking version, her TAF version, and her in the walking pose (a fact about this one, she has a sparkly cutie mark & the only walking pose mintys i've seen online don't have that? maybe she's special?)
G3 doesn't have a lot of green ponies in general, but she takes the cake. nevertheless it's still quite hard to choose between them all.

2 runner ups would definitely be December Poinsettia and, if i had her, Rainbow Sunrise :ROLO: *credit to Lady Lamina's MLP Corner for this pic


i feel lucky to be a part of the MLPTP because if it hadn't been for me googling "mlp fading pink" (lol, i was curious about the fading pink hair on some g3's) i wouldn't have found this forum. it feels like a second home to me & is the perfect place for me to express myself & a hobby i adore. everyone here has just been lovely & i feel grateful to have a safe place like this :ponylove: also, i've learned so much from this community, so i'm grateful for that as well!
Couple of my favourite green princesses plus an Irish inspired custom I made

I feel lucky to be part of this community, because it reminds me why pony collecting is so great! Knowing that there's lots of like minded people who share my passion is the best thing, especially when you sometimes run into people who just don't get it
My favorite green pony is Minty every single version made. My middle name is Clover so I have had an obsession with all things shamrocks my whole life..

The reason I feel lucky to be a part of this community.. Will I actually forgot this forum got a revamp.. I was a long time member of the older forum and monster hightp. I sold most of my collection to move into a travel trailer and now I totally regret that. I hope to come back and make new friends and buy new ponies..

So it makes me lucky to have a community to come back to!!
Hmm, gee does this count?? I have a few mint ponies like the others have posted, but personally speaking I barely consider mint to be green, and Peacock here is the only pony I have with a vibrant lime like I like. That and those cute little unicorns behind her haha, they're not MLP but I totally count them among my favorite green ponies.

As for why I feel lucky to be a part of the MLPTP community, it's because everyone here is so accepting and chill! And we actually have a space to talk about harsher real life things without being judged. Not only that but it's one of the few places I know of where there's still a thriving community surrounding the more classic versions of MLP, places like these are like a home to me and I feel like I have an opportunity to really become a part of the community.

Many of the members of this community inspire me in some way, even if it's just for small things.
The cutie in the right was a gift from @Tak. And the Curly version was a surprise in a nasty lot that I didn't expect.

I feel lucky to be on the TP for the atmosphere and friends I have made. Its a nice calming place to be myself and share a love for something that most don't understand. :love:
Tootsie is my favorite green pony! What an unfortunate name though haha! I’m very thankful to be a part of this community because it’s so much fun, people are so sweet and supportive and I’m always happy when I visit, post or interact, I’m glad this happy place exists :ponylove:
My favorite green pony is Baby Frosting!
And I am lucky to be part of the MLPTP family because it is so nice here, so much less drama and such a welcoming place for everybody ❤️ I wouldn’t change a thing

I use to be apart of friendship is magic fandom when I was a teen and it was apart of my teenage years and this along with one piece helped me through a lot as a outlet , for creativity to helping me by comforting me in hard times in those times . I am lucky to be in this part of the fandom now. I didn’t go into friendship is magic like into chat rooms and stuff I just quietly enjoyed the show and stories . This part I enjoy seeing people show of there finds and are enjoying and being nice to eachother ! Anyahoo everyone have a lovely day.
My G1 Medley with my bag of Lucky trinkets and shines. This lovely lady is from a recent lucky find at the thrift shop.:medley:
Also, I've heard that pegasus ponies are good luck! As are unicorns, of course. I've taken my G1 Skydancer with me places and she for sure brought me good luck. :skydancer:

I feel lucky to be a member of the MLPTP because it's such and inclusive and welcoming space for pony geeks. I love that I have an outlet for my mlp geekness and I love being apart of a community of like minded ponies.

:minty:Good luck to every pony!:minty: