The MLPTP 2009 Pony Trivia Questions thread. Final questions posted!

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copyrite 2007 Hasbro, Made In China
Made in China and Hasbro 2007 on the back feet.

Next up:

52. Which 4 G2 ponies had keychains made in their likeness during the G2 line? (2 points)
Morning Glory, Ivy, Sundance, Light Heart and or Berry Bright

Next up:

53. What is the name of the G2 pony who has a glittery, sparkly body like the G1 Sparkle ponies? (2 points)

I believe it's Hip Holly
Morning Glory (Colours switched around so she looks more like Sweetberry!)
Light Heart (with Sweetberry's symbols, so I guess you can call her by either name!)

Fun4All obviously had an obsession with Sweetberry, so it's weird that they never actually made a G2 keychain by that name! :lol:
I'm not sure why you are asking for which G2 pony has a sparkle body. (that makes it ssound like you are only looking for one pony. I found two G2's that have a sparkly body. Hip Holly and Princess Sunsparkle.
Hip Holly and Sunsparkle? I'm not sure...
Well, there are two acctually..... Hip Holly and Queen Sunsparkle...... although, I don´t believe queen Sunsparkle has a body that is so much see through as hip holly
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