"The Last Roundup" *SPOILERS!*


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Just a little post for discussion about this morning's new FIM episode :)

Here's the question: How many of you would ever have expected Derpy to become a canon character? lol! I was so surprised, and her voice is adorable!!

Also, the "I Love Lucy" references were great!

So what did you think? :)
I was so surprised that they gave Derpy (Referred to as DERPY by Rainbow Dash) actually got a speaking role. I was so shocked i looked it up on youtube after the episode ended, and surely enough she was refered to as Derpy. She was a flying disaster, just as everyone envisioned her which was a surprise, and also proves that writing team is listening to us. :)
Cant watch any of the news one yet.. but I have season 1 on DVD.. my internet is too slow to watch any videos... but it sounds like I'm gonna love it!
It seems like most of the fanbase either loved Derpy's voice or hated it. The voice actress was confirmed to be Tabitha. I personally thought it sounded like Ashleigh, but it was probably Tabitha.The "Cherry Changa" part was hilarious. As soon as my daughter and I heard 'Derpy', we glanced at each other. The moment Derpy spoke, she screamed. xD
This was the Derp heard 'round the internet, lol. I was in a chat room while the episode was airing and...you should have seen what happened... when RD said "Derpy" everyone went silent, then they exploded in sheer pony joy. DERPY IS NOW CANON!!!

ETA: here's a link to a video of the chatroom reactions:
MLP FiM - Chat Reactions to Derpy in "The Last Roundup" - YouTube

What will we do with these bronies... ah I love them XD

ETA again:
Omg I just noticed Dinky in the audience!
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This is of the best episode so far, IMO. Not just because of Derpy (who is totally adorkable), but because the whole thing was very entertaining. I liked the action-y chase scene.
I'm confused. Is Derpy supposed to be stupid or mentally handicapped?

Because she's coming off as the latter.

But overall I liked the episode. Mr. Skeen was in the room while I was watching and decided he likes Pinkie Pie the best. I had to explain the "I Love Lucy" reference to him though.
I loved the pinkie pie freak out. NOBODY BREAKS A PINKIE PROMISE!
Oh, another thing:

I'm a canine behaviorist and dog trainer. My dog and I do competition obedience and are working on agility.

Jumps are used in both activities. The dog must completely clear a jump - no bar touching, no bumping, no nothing - to get credit for the jump.

When AJ bumped her jump my instant reaction was, "Aw, crap! Now she has to do it all over again!"
When AJ bumped her jump my instant reaction was, "Aw, crap! Now she has to do it all over again!"

haha... I have a lot of knowledge about the agility world, and I thought the same thing!
I'm confused. Is Derpy supposed to be stupid or mentally handicapped?

Because she's coming off as the latter.

This thought has been on my mind since day 1, man. Haha
I do like her voice though. Pretty dang cute.

I also thought Cherries Jubilee was gorgeous. An excellent design. I had heard they were using the name in this episode, really wanted to see what they would do.
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I agree with Skeen - it feels, to me, like Derpy is coming off as the latter, like it's a play on a stereotype for the sake of laughs. :/ Very offensive and inappropriate, especially for kids to be watching. Kids should be learning that disabled or different people are just as worthy as other people, and it's not appropriate to get mad or blame them for things that they can't help doing. It's even worse because no one chastises Rainbow Dash for being mean to Derpy - it's sort of implicitly approved of, since none of the other ponies tell her it's wrong.

It's very upsetting, seeing as this comes on the heels of Thiessen promising up and down that there will be no Brony shout-outs, that this will remain what it always was - a show for little girls. And now, oh look, a fanon character, with (oft-offensive) fanon personality intact, shows up in the first three minutes of an episode! Fancy that.

I miss Faust. :(
I think I've been trying to avoid the obvious over here, but I really can't shake it - Derpy is, as others have mentioned, a horrible play off of mentally challenged individuals. I don't believe that that was the intent. It is unfortunate that their rendition of clutzy translates so poorly.

...and I didn't think that there would be any Brony shout-outs either. That's why I was so surprised to see Derpy at all.
You know, I didn't see Derpy coming off as 'Stupid' or 'Mentally Handicapped'. She reminded me mostly as a shout out to G1 Applejack! She tries her best, but with her combination of pure dumb bad luck and klutzy nature, things kind of have a tendency to fall apart for the poor girl. Only with Derpy her eyes probably don't help much either...

Either way I thought she was adorable, and I pray she gets a little brushable toy! Or so help me I will MAKE one! :p
I didn't really think she came off stupid... just clutzy? We only saw her for like 30 seconds, not much time for character devolopment, you guys...
although admitedly, her voice sounded a little like the mentally handicapped girl in glee, at least that was my first impression. it would be better if she had more of an airhead voice than... idk, "dumb" one?
If we go by fanon on Derpy, we find that she's actually very accomplished if she IS mentally handicapped. But since that isn't really the case, I think I can safely say she's just supposed to be a silly, unfortunate character and not a hateful mockery.

As for Applejack's lesson, I think it's a solid addition. Little girls often set themselves up for failure and the punish themselves for getting there, forgetting about the people who care about them.
Tabitha confirmed for VA for my favorite ponies.
FiM team confirmed for having more fun than should be allowed for a paying gig.
Derpy confirmed for DERPY!
Derpy confirmed for best pony evar (along with Nightmare Moon, of course).

The dog must completely clear a jump - no bar touching, no bumping, no nothing - to get credit for the jump.
I think in equestrian jumping it's not a penalty to touch the bar as long as it's not knocked over, though someone more into eventing would know better. It was definitely foreshadowing though.

I'm confused. Is Derpy supposed to be stupid or mentally handicapped?
Guess it's up to the writers to decide for sure now that she's canon. When she was pure fanon, opinions were split all over the place between those who envisioned her as anything from a bit slow upstairs, to dumb in some ways but genius in others, to only having a speech impediment, to simply being socially awkward, and probably others I'm forgetting or haven't run across. Some decided that she's an awesome caring mother to Dinky Doo, while others discard the whole notion that she's a mother at all; some insisted her name was Ditzy Doo, while others stuck with Derpy Pony or Derpy Hooves. About the only things which people could agree on was that she was clumsy, well-meaning, good-natured, and pretty universally loved. Having her as the hilarious ****** everyone laughs at would go against all fanon of her, not to mention the entire theme of FiM.

At least this episode settles the name issue if nothing else.

I kinda wish they'd kept her with roles no bigger than in Luna Eclipsed where she was left somewhat undefined and left to imagination, but I'm not upset over her appearance in this ep either. Personally though, I'm sticking with my own version of her 'til proven otherwise, that she's just sort of lost in her own little world. Kind of appropriate for a pegasus to have her head in the clouds, no?

ETA: Oh yeah, and one other thing everyone agrees on is her love of muffins:

Derpy says "Muuuufffffin" - YouTube
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I think in equestrian jumping it's not a penalty to touch the bar as long as it's not knocked over, though someone more into eventing would know better. It was definitely foreshadowing though.

You only get a penalty if the horse's hoof touches the bar, if the bar gets knocked off then it doesn't count.
You only get a penalty if the horse's hoof touches the bar, if the bar gets knocked off then it doesn't count.
Which rules? I double-checked myself at USEF after seeing your post, though of course there are going to be other rules outside the US and maybe for regionals/clubs.


JP133 General.
2. Penalty faults include disobediences, falls, knockdowns and time penalties. No more than one penalty may be scored at each attempt.


JP138 Knockdowns .
1. Definition. An obstacle is considered knocked down when in jumping an obstacle, a horse or rider, by contact:
a. changes any part thereof which establishes the height of the obstacle or the height of any element of a spread obstacle, even when the falling part is arrested in its fall by some other portion of the obstacle; or​
b. moves any part thereof which establishes the height of the obstacle so that it rests on a different support from the one on which it was originally placed.​
2. Special Circumstances. Should a pole resting in a cup come to rest on the lip of the cup, or on a bracket which is an integral part of the cup, it is not considered a knockdown. Narrowing the width of a spread obstacle without altering the height of any elements as defined above is not considered a knockdown. If, while in the process of being jumped, the top element is struck in such a fashion that it changes the height of the jump, with both ends remaining in the cups and nothing else supporting the top element, it is scored as no faults.

Edit: I hope this doesn't come across smart-alecky. I'm more of a hobbyist, horses-are-pets kind of guy and really don't know much about formal eventing other than what info I can find online.
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