MLPTP EVENT The Autumn Whispers to the Falling Leaves (Bonus #1 Discussion)

I had the same scare, Skig :)

Also I just went out to do the leaves one... creeping around my neighborhood with a pony in the dark, I must have looked really wholesome :bat:
I'm glad I saw it in time to take it tonight before the sun left! I would have missed it since I wouldn't get home until after it would end D =

Now I have skeeter bites...
I am having a hard time finding anything but green trees here in my neck o' the woods...
I'll have to look again tomorrow.
I had to go outside at 1030 at night to take the pic - that's about when I got home and I'd get home tomorrow too late
The leaves still need to turn colors here more so the tree I found was still green/yellowish but had some brown spots on the leaves. lol
I don't think I'll get the bonus done. All the leaves here are green. Its friggin 80 degrees out, in october. The trees are like 'wtf?'

And the leaves that are turning, are in really huge trees. I'd need a ladder to reach the branches.
I thought this was going to be easy with all the trees in our yard but most were inaccessable (near prickly bushes/thistles) or waaaay too tall for me to reach a branch. I almost forgot about this little birch, AJ looks so pretty in it:)
yeah, the only tree i could reach was just barely finally turning.
its soooo unseasonably warm here!
I cannot believe how hard it was to find a tree with changing leaves! Craziness... Hello, trees!!! You know it's October out there?!

All of the ones around home are still green, so I went to my parents' house. Their trees are all green too. I had to walk a way to find this one, then I had to get Chad to put Dancing Butterflies in it because I'm too short to reach even the lowest branch.
Question: I live in Florida. the leaves aren't turning yet. So how do i go about the bonus???
Jenni she edited to say it can be in a tree with green leaves...because it isn't going to be fall in all areas around the world
I haven't taken my picture yet...I'm kinda scared. it is sooOOOO windy out there. Like Mary Poppin's windy...
I trucked down the street with a diet coke a basket full o' ponies and a camera round my neck. I too must have looked like a loon. :p
My choices ended up being Yellow green or shriveled brown.. no in-between fall colours...drat!
After walking to the post office with a basket of pony, camera, batteries, and keys and still finding no fall tree, I decided to check the mail>.< and lucky me! had 2 boxes to bring home. At least one was ponies so it was worth it :D The tree I ended up using was a crape myrtle in my neighbor's yard (or maybe it's mine...don't know where the line is LoL. It's kinda spotty but most of it wasn't green.
Here i have a picture in my head of pony people walking the streets with ponys in there hands.
Very spooky.
