[Summer Pirate Pillage] Update pg. 3 FINAL GAME

Sorry gullywashers, looks like I still be on Caribbean time!!! (Not really, as I think it's actually the same time zone as me (central) but hey, it sounded pirate-y enough.)

I am posting the first challenge, albeit a small one. I want to start off fairly small and get larger and more fun as we go! Take a look, I'll put it in the General Discussion, and it'll be called Typhoon Travelers! Hope it's a fun start!
Sea Shanties!!!!


:seahorse:Sea Shanties:seahorse:

Yo ho ho, hello there, scallywags! It's time to put all yer cavorting, rum-filled nights of screaming to good use! We have no wind for our sails and we need some pirate shanties to blow the men down! If it's treasure we be wantin', you sing your landlubbin' heart until our sails are filled with your hot air!

Mermaids are also known for their beautiful, deadly songs, so we'll take their poetic sea voices a whirl as well!

The goal here is to collectively create a sea shanty (or pirate song) for your crew. Each crew member who adds a line to the shanty will get 5 points! Those points will also go to whichever crew they are on. I will create a separate thread for each Crew in the Events forum. Whoever starts off the shanty gets 5 bonus points!

You can add to your crew's shanties until June 29th, Wednesday, at 11:59 pm. Once the shanty-making is over with, the final shanties will be put in a poll to be voted on by the great members of the MLP Trading Post. Whichever team wins gets 25 bonus points! Double lines (or lines that are repeated, as in the example below) will not be counted in the tallying of points.

The individual points you score will go towards the possibility of winning a prize, so be creative, get cracking, and go easy on the rum, we want good shanties, not jaunty junk! Har har!

A sea shanty is a pirate song that often rhymes and tells a story. They were often sung on board a ship while pirates were working.

Here's a good example of a sea shanty that might help you get started out:

What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning?
Way-hay, up she rises

Way-hay, up she rises

Way-hay, up she rises

Early in the morning

Put him in the long boat 'til he's sober

Pull out the bung and wet him all over

Put him in the scuppers with the deck pump on him

Heave him by the leg in a runnin' bowlin'

Tie him to the taffrail when she's yard-arm under

Ah yes, and it's against the rules to plagiarize, so if I catch you doing it, it's off the plank with yer!

Any questions? Post them here or feel free to PM me!

Now, on to the team's shanty threads!



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Sorry it's been so long since I've started a new game, ye scallywags! I've been on a ship far, far away. But now I'm back and I've got to give ye all t'news.

Our first two games are officially over.

The Typhoon Travelers was won by Blackbeard's Crew, and Breyer600 won the game by gaining 60 points. Wow, great job! She'll win a prize out of the TP treasure chest.... now where did I put that treasure chest? Oh yes, X marks the spot. A PM will be sent later on that note.

Scores for the Typhoon Travelers:

The MERMAIDS (15 players)

Typhoon Travelers

Avaind 5
Chekru 10
Archer06 15
UnicornTamer 0
DustonmySaddle 0
PonySymphony 0
skig 30
mistclover 5
bluerose9978 5
RecycleBella 0
pikapal 0
PinkieMint 0
hunnybunny 0
Celenth 0
PonyMommy 0

Blackbeard's Crew (19 players)

Typhoon Travelers

Sprinkles 0
Elemental Paradise 5
tsukikakushi 5
Gotbunny 0
Willow 0
Novavelle 10
Mori_Lestrange 10
MonsterIceCream 25
GoddesDaine 0
Breyer600 60
CJFullmer 0
Cerulean 0
Skeen 0
Aadra 0
Canazta 40
StarWarrior 10
Gusty365 5
MistyMoonlight 0
Hindsight 0

Scores start over for each game, so if you were behind for one game, you could still win another one! The total team scores accumulate, however.

The Sea Shanties have been written and are posted up in a poll for all of ponydom to choose which is the best! After the poll closes, I'll post the scores for that as well. (And yes, you can vote too!) http://www.mlptp.net/forums/events-...shanties-peoples-choice-poll-please-vote.html I forgot to say, this poll closes on Wednesday,so be sure to vote, everyone!

Now, what have we got going on now, you may ask?

Firstly, we have a Pirate Word of the Week Thread going on- if you correctly guess the word of the week (it'll be pirate-related) then you'll win a prize!! I can't guarantee it'll take a whole week to guess, but eh, you mateys know how it goes. I'll try me best to make it challenging!

Thread here: http://www.mlptp.net/forums/events-...7-summer-pirate-pillage-pirate-word-week.html

And soon we will also have another creative game in which all players can contribute. It's going to be A Very Pirate Photo Story!!! And this will be run a bit differently from the other games. Each team will get 15 points for having a photo story about pirates or mermaids- or both! (Just make it !) Anyway, any member who contributes will get 5 points. There will be a People's Choice voting poll, similar to the one for the Sea Shanties. Whichever team win's the People's Choice gets 25 points!

And after all this is over, there will be one last, major game. The Pirate Pillage! I'll tell you more about that later.

A quick note- I'll be away from a computer July 7-11, so just do the best you can and if I'm not around, please forgive an old pirate. Har har!
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The People's Choice poll for the Sea Shanties has been moved to General Discussion (see up there, it's stickied! Har har!) And the close date of the poll has been extended. Don't forget to vote for your favorite shanty, you mateys, as well as you other MLP fiends!

Ok, there's a new game up!


A Very Pirate Photo Story

Here's an old salt who wants to read all about yer travels as a crew member. Care to share? Get yer crew together and create a mighty story that any scallywag would be proud to be a part of. Get one or more members involved in taking pictures to go along with the hornswaggle. You can do your brainstormin' in silent and PM the final story... or you can use yer post (Events Board) to do yer brainstorming and put the final story at the end. The stories are due July 15th by midnight Central time, and will be put in a People's Choice Poll thereafter. Each team gets 15 points per story, 5 points per picture. Any member who contributes gets 5 points. So if ye do yer writing in private, be sure to let me know who gets credit for addin' to the story. The team who win's the People's Choice gets 25 extra points!


There she blows!

To find your brainstorming thread, pick yer poison!


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