

Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 25, 2008
Man this pony, grr! I adore her now, but she was tricky.

The long version:
She was a commission for savvyfarrier, I adored the hair colors and pose. I then realized that the hair would NOT style, so matter what I did to it (boiling water and hairspray lol, I had to clean her up after that). So I put her aside, symbol-less and waited for inspiration. I used a totally different pony for savvy that turned out great. I still loved the colors and felt the hair was something different to play with. I kept thinking of the motion of the hair and shooting stars came to mind. I found some inspiration and spent forever painting, sealing, and glittering her. I love her.

The short version:
She was a seaspray rerooted in hair that came from a gorgeous nylon hairband that broken. It was very bright and braided. Only kind of a good idea lol.




She is hard to photograph due to her glitter and glossy finish. Enjoy!

Starfall Auction
Starting at $15 if anyone is interested. She is stunning in person.
Awww! Look at dem lotsa stars! Rock-on, I'm likin' this!
Those stars look awesome! Very nice job!