Some of my work...


Elusive Guy Collector
Dec 23, 2008
I'm in the process of doing like two dozen customs, with more ideas swirling around on a daily basis.

Unemployment sucks, but at least I'm keeping busy in between job & agent searching...


First up is Poseidon, of my Pantheon series. He started life as a baity Sunbeam, was dyed hair and all (and somehow his hair remained super super silky and smelling like coconut!) His symbol is a trident with watery green seaweed wrapped around it, and he has a few swarovski crystals, too




Next up is Hades. He was dyed red, hair and all, and his glitter DS symbol is a dragon of sorts. His NDS symbol is a bearded skeleton pirate head holding a sword between his teeth, which was used to cover up some bad marks that the dye could not.




Here's Carrot Cake, who I just finished last night. He should have a more dignified name, but hey, what the ****. Despite being dyed a darker shade of blue, he had some really bad discoloration all over his body, and so the spots helped to obscure that a bit. His ice cream symbol was turned into a....yes, a carrot. LOL



Wildfire, the second complete of my Legion superhero series. I didn't want to permanently shut out his eyes, so I tied his visor on instead of super-gluing it...



Rehaired Seaflower, more pics of her in the corral


Progress pic of Calypso, of my Pantheon series. Just need to get her some hair! It will be arctic frost with a stripe of lavender.


Progress pic of Artemis, of Pantheon. I'm least happy with her, but hoping she'll grow on me once she has her golden delicious mane...


Progress pic of ****, with her swarovski crystals. Just needs her dark brownish-red hair...


Kali progress pic, with crystals. I really screwed up gluing them on her and some of the other girls, and there are quite a few crystals with faint white spots around them because the crystal slipped or there was too much glue. The boys turned out perfect though. *sigh*

Kali will probably be getting a headdress made of glitter, with crystals added


Only two girls left to do....Nike and Freyja...


Next we have Odin, of Pantheon, just awaiting his hair.


Nike, of Pantheon. Just dyed aubergine last night. The color is oh so stunning in person. Unbelievable. I'm very very happy with her. Her color scheme is a secret though...hehe



Two more Legions awaiting hair: Ultra Boy and Brainiac. Although U-Boy's symbol needs something...I just don't know what...maybe an outline?


Three more girls awaiting hair. Yellow will be getting green with a stripe of pink. Orange will be getting candy cane stripes. C.C. will be getting white, pink, and purple stripes, to match the cheshire cat...


At the spur of the moment I dyed two ponies black last night. It hides their many many imperfections for the most part, unless you put them under a harsh light and look closely. The one of the left will be a Legion custom, Invisible Kid. No idea what to do with the right one yet.

Thanks for viewing!
I know it was an eyefull! LOL

After all this I STILL suck at painting, but at least I have all these rehairs to look forward to...
Wow! Custom overload! They all look amazing and I can't wait to see them all finished!!
Ooooh, a Sundae's Best custom. I love it! It's not often you see one of those. :)
Wow! Such nice ones..lookin' fab! Right-on!
wow on the pics and way cool project! All of those colors are done with Rit dye?? You go with the pot on the stove method? Curious as I'm learning all about this custom pony world :) thanks for any sharing... and hope your art keeps you sane (in this insane world)

Thanks guys.

maycrestmom: Yep, all done with RIT dye. Most were boiled directly on the stove...all except for the black & purple customs. With them I boiled the water, then dumped it into a very large plastic container. Then I added the dye. I just don't like dyeing within cooking pots, because no matter how well you clean them, it's never quite good enough! So I'll probably be doing all my dyeing in a plastic bucket from now on...

I'm not very good at full body repaints, so dyeing is sooo much better for me. I can give you a link to a great tutorial, if you're interested...
my goodness! they are stunning! I would pick a fave, but I don't think I can. Calypso is on the list though, awesome work!
what lovely lovely ponies!