Some more price checks! :) Sorry about that...



So, I was thinning out even more ponies-and I was wondering what my
MIB Rosette
MIB Goodweather
MIB Sweet Clover

would go for. I'm not sure if I am going to sell yet, but I'd say it would be 75% chance of actually selling. However, I don't want to lose money either by selling.

Thank you!

I would think atleast $50 a peice, how much did you payfor them? what are the cards in? (condition wise).
I agreed with $50ish. I would love Goodweather! hehe :)
I think I paid 60-70. I think I paid the highest for Rosette.

They are in the attic right now, but before they went there, the cards were mint. I haven't inspected them closer, so I thinking that they are still in excellent condition.
