G4 Socks with Wings

CJ Thimble Bright

Peeking around the corner at you
MLPTP Supporter
Apr 9, 2010
I'm sure I'm behind the times on this and you've all seen these already, but in case you haven't... I MAY or may NOT have been perusing the sock section of a Fred Meyer this evening and discovered these by chance...



They are knee-highs and are really cute. But I would be concerned about the wings staying connected, especially when washing/drying them...
Weird! Not sure how I'd wear these lol
Those are awesome! I haven't seen those yet. As for the wings, that's what sewing kits are for. I'm rough on my stuff, I have to sew stuff back together quite often, lol. I don't think those would last a day with me without falling off.
LOL, reminds me of the Pegasus Boots from the Legend of Zelda games. Love these!
I would wear those around my house and my legs would be bloody stumps. I own a lotta cats. Adn they would rend me to get those cute flappy wings.
Those are too cute! All the sudden I have a urge to buy socks, not joking here. lol I just bought like 5 pairs of Halloween ones & was looking at Christmas ones yesterday. Sadly we don't have Fred Meyer around here or those would so be on my feet.
These would be fun for fencing tournaments. I wonder if there's a rule disallowing socks with wings, or how long I could wear them before they came up with one.
I had the Fluttershy pair. The wings won't fall off even with rough play. I role played all over my house saying "IM A WILD FLUTTERSHY! NEIGH!" Wearing those in my arms lol. I also ran around with those yelling out that I can fly. But that is only when I am bored
I have a pair of the Derpy ones! You don't have to worry about them falling off, but the wings on mine started peeling apart before I even washed them. :(