So sad...

Feb 29, 2008
I went to the pharmacy today and was waiting for a prescription, so of course I went to check out what ponies they had in the toy aisle. When I came around the corner there were two little girls... probably around 8 or 9 and they were plopped on the floor digging through the ponies, reading about them on the back of the boxes, having a great time (oh, the memories...). I looked at some other stuff (giving them their pony room...) and overheard them deciding which pony they were going to get. One was getting the 25th anniv Minty and the other was getting Star Catcher. They had finally done all their deciding! How excited they were and I was having a blast just eavesdropping.... and then...

...the mom came into the aisle and when the girls showed her what they wanted, she said "you girls are too OLD for ponies... look at the box, it says for 3 year olds"... One of the girls quickly explained that the plus+ sign indicated it was for 3 and older (I was so proud!), and the mom said "well, you are pretty far away from 3" and said they couldn't get them. I was devastated!

And those poor loved ponies had to sit on the shelf and wait for some other person to love them!

Too old.... sheesh....
Wow, you're right, Terrie. There are enough kids trying to grow up too fast without their parents forcing them too.

Awww, I feel bad for those girls.
That's a very sad little story... :-(I agree with SS - so many people are in a hurry for their kids to grow up these days. Adulthood last a a long time - they should get to be kids while they can!

Hey Ianthe99, we match - I'm 33 too, and love and play with my ponies! :woot:
Wow! Just another case of how society is isnt "correct" anymore for kids to be kids...its very very scary...the world is a skrewed up place
Hmm. Maybe that mom thinks those girls should be wearing tubetops and skimpy skirts already? That makes me a little sad. I still love going to check out the ponies at the store.. too bad the stock is always low when I go. It just makes me glad that I donated some older G3 ponies last winter to Salvation army. Part of me what like "man, I could make money on them" but the other part was giving little girls a Christmas present and chance to be little girls.
She probably just didn't want to drop the cash, so she decided to scar her kids with that nonsense.. Really sad! I played with ponies into my preteens;p Sheesh. My mom was glad that I didn't want to buy $100 pants to look cool. I was happy with a cheap ol pony! <3
I hate it when people try to box others in with their own stereotypes....GRRR.
Too Old! lol, theres a whole world that woman should see! Kids shouldnt have to grow up, they should be kids.
There are just so many examples about of how kids are forced to grow up and it doesnt do them any favors.
I am lucky that im quite supported by my family, they think im mad, but thats not the point lol
I remember something very similar that I experienced here at my walmart. I'll give the short version. I saw a girl so excited about a pony in the toy aisle. I don't really remember which one it was....I wasn't too big into G3's at the time. I was shopping for a birthday present for my niece with my niece. We were watching this girl get so excited over the pony. The father said that he wouldn't waste his money on "that". She started to sniffle, and the Dad said that she could use the money her Mom had given her for it. Her mom had given her like a dollar or some insane amount. My niece (who was 5 at the time) went up to the man and asked if she could buy it for the girl with her birthday money. He was floored and so I was I. He looked at Nina, and said that it was ok and he would get it for his daughter. I wanted to cry. Nina has always been the type of kid who thinks of others first. Strange for a 5 year old I know. (on a side note, I took her to a museum once and at the gift shop she kept picking out things to get others like her Mom and Dad but never once asked for anything for herself....I don't know how my sister did it). I let Nina keep her birthday money and bought her any toy she wanted and took her out for a happy meal to reward her generosity.
It's awful how parents are doing this to their kids these days, and society as well. When I was working at Toys R Us I often saw the same thing happen. A kid would pick what they wanted and the parents would shoot it down because of the age+ on the box. I think it would be wiser to put something like "not for under #" instead of #+. People these days seem very set on what things say, not the actual meaning behind them. You have to be so so careful what you actually say to a person when you're working retail, one wrong word could ruin the entire sale.

Josie, your niece sounds awesome. I'm happy she was able to cause the girl to get her pony.
Wow, Nina sounds wise beyond her years. I wish I still had that kindness and innocence towards strangers like I used to. I bet you feel so lucky to be related to her.