So I take it THIS is the surprise!!

LOL Peace, your sig is awesome ;)


wow when I came here I belived I entered in the wrong website, but this change is so cool :apple:
I LOVE the new desighn!
Nice it's all dark and black, one of my favorite colors. A 'super' surprise.
It looks great, guys! Since you're saying there are going to be multiple themes to choose from in the future, can I plead for last year's Halloween theme to be made available again? I loved that one so much. :)
Im getting no lag, and this has encountered a very long testing period. ( My DSL connection is slow in comparison with most) What type of connection are you using? LMK and I can look into this for you....


Verison. Cable. It's not so much as lag as... I scroll down then the page does a second after. Not lag-lag, not even a second. But it's like... er I can't even explain it. I scroll down, then a split second later it jumps down and scrolls.
This completely took me by surprise when I popped over today. Did a double take and checked to see if I had put in the wrong address. Well done. Love the new theme! :D
My word! its deffinatly different! I miss my side bar though! lol, it will take a while to get used to, but the change is good GZ!
~Points at profile and siggie and avvie~ I can be a super-villain right? LOL! I have always had issues being a good guy.