Should clothes be removed to prevent staining from G3's?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 8, 2005

I * thought * I saw a thread saying the new G3 potfits cause staining on ponies if left on? I was wondering if I should open all my playsets and ponies and remove the clothes? I don't plan on re-selling them or anything, but just don't want them discolored.

Also has anyone tried sealing their playsets to avoid the paints from coming off on ponies? I like to dispay my ponies on the playsets, but don't want them ruined. Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

Sorry if this has been posted alot lately, I missed the first thread.

Thank you, Kat
pony clothes

I havn't heard of G3 clothes staining yet, but G1 clothing DEFINATELY does stain ponies...especially the bright pink clothing and the pink "baby" necklaces. I myself open all of my G3 ponies and playsets so I take the clothing off and store it in ziplocks seperate from the ponies. It's really up to you though, if you don't plan on selling them, and you prefer to keep them in package..there really isn't a point I guess as you'd never see any possible stains as they would be covered by the clothes. The thing I would open packages for is to remove batteries from in the little radios that come in the slumber party packs. After a few years they are bound to leak and ruin the electronics.

As for displaying ponies on playsets, I always just set a piece of white fabric, or white piece of paper between the playet's painted parts and the pony's feet so that it won't stick. Works fine for me :)
Someone reported staining from Blossomforth's dress.

Also, Arokiss opened up Golden Delicious (with pet) that she had bought from the store and found staining from the clothing. See :-

Neither of those have the paint that was described.

My advice would be that for ponies that are loose to either remove the clothes or inspect them regularly, taking off the clothes in case staining does occur.

The same thing happens with G1 ponies with clothing that has been left on and that is not quite the same material as what today's stuff is made out of.

As for MIB/MOC ponies, then I would leave them as they are, unless you were planning to open them anyway.

i haven't had any problems with staining too, we won't really be able to find out if it will cause such staining because they're still so new.