She sold for HOW much?! (closed auction)

Congrats LadyAmalthia! That is some serious cash! I've sold a handful of ponies on ebay, and they usually go for like $2-4. :doh5B15D: I did, however, just sell a used Nintendo DS Lite game system for $98 and was happy with that.

Is the buyer a member here? That username sounds familiar. I didn't see it in the Members List. Maybe I've seen it at the arena. Anyway, congrats to both buyer and seller.
Way to go Kitkat! That's a nice BIN! Very pink hair too! :085:
Wow, cute set... and from what I've seen that go for before, that's a pretty good price!! Congrats! :D
She's one of the mintiest I've seen, but holy crap the price is insane!
i think that's the same ebayer that has been talked about on the mlp arena. apparantly she has a lot of money because she has been driving up mlp prices, and paying out the rear end for any and every pony. it's rediculous how much she has been paying for ponies. im lucky if i get to spen $600 in a YEAR on my collection.
wow that most i ever spent was $80 on mimic.....
i lobe ponies but thats too much for me!