SDCC Pony - price?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried doing a search and couldn't find the thread. I was just wondering how much the SDCC pony was going to be selling for this year? I have a friend that's going and I want her to pick me up one but I don't know how much money to give her for it ahead of time. Thanks! :)
Hmm, she's a lot cheaper than the Fair pony this year, though I guess she's always been a little cheaper. The number of fair ponies being made this year is also smaller, so that makes for the higher price I suppose.

So, I've also seen her with green/aqua hair. Can anyone tell me anything about this? I've been soooo out of the loop lately!

As of right now, the aqua haired version has only been found loose, overseas in the usual prototype,overflow countries (Singapore for exp.).

The pink haired version has been found MIB as well as being the image given to the fair organizers. Leading us at this moment to believe it will only be officially released in the pink hair variety.
Oh, I am glad to know how much I should put aside for her. :)

SSC, the prototype design for the pony had the aqua hair. I think I set of them got out of the factory, and have been selling them on ebay. The final design has the purple hair that you see. I definitely want to have both versions. I snagged a aqua one off of ebay, but I just have to get the official one.
There are independent toy shops in Singapore that are still selling Art Ponies but I've not been able to find that awesome teal hair pony. ;___;
Thanks guys! That's good to know! I'm glad some collectors were able to snag the teal/aqua haired ones. Cool. Got any pictures? Nevermind, I found some:


Check it out, in this pic, her hair actually looks dark pink instead of purple!


Here's her box. Pretty cute, but nothing to write home about.


She's lovely with aqua hair, but I'm not sure which one I'd like to get...

I wonder if she'll be on Hasbro's website for sale this year like she was the past several years.
Thank you for the info! I love the aqua haired version but you're right she might just be a prototype... ah well, purple is still nice too :)
just wondering, is any one going that can pick up extras of these?I'd like one but can't go to SDCC
just wondering, is any one going that can pick up extras of these?I'd like one but can't go to SDCC

If hasbro does it like they have in years past, they will offer her on their website the Monday after the convention. That's how I got mine last year. Same price as at the con, but you have to add shipping. The site does get slow due to the number of people trying to order one, but it can be done. Although I don't think she sold out last year.