Scrub-A-Dub Tub pixel adoptie *Working* could think with 27 I can decide on my own when to clean up..but when you are still living at home, parents got something to say in the matter..and mine said: No, you won't leave the house and go to your boyfriend until that messy chamber of yours is cleaned up..

so yeh :< had to..
well, at least I managed to complete 3 requests today (yours here and 2 from the arena)

I am glad everyone likes them ^^I found them way too cute not to share them with people :p
Oh, I have to have one of these beauties if you find the time to make one for me please. They are sooo cute! :)

Here is a picture of my persona Fizzypop made. It shows my mane colors. :)


I am a unicorn. Thanks so much. :)
ladylavenderblue, please post a reference for your persona, I can't fnd any and dunno how to make her...

I made the next one in row:

babyblueducky, here is yours:
Those are so cute! May I have one please? Oh, Rubber Ducky!
-Name of Pony (sorry :p I'm just curious) Twilight the unicorn
-size you want TP size
-male/female, breed (earth, unipeg, peg, uni, TE available atm) female, unicorn
-Pony reference pic (if you have one it would be great)

-want the colors of the bathtub/hearts/towel/foam/bubbles to differ? -tell me how
-bathtub -cream or white. hearts-red. towel- purple foam/bubbles light blue.

any thing else? a tiny bottle of bubble bath beside the tub please.

ok, here comes for butterpony (you wanted a wingedUnicorn even tho the pic shows a pegasus,right?)

and here is the one for cannibalcow XD Hope it's big enough for you :p I thought of adding a G-mask too,but thought it wouldnt fit (besides, who'd wear that in a bath?:p)
Last edited:
:ducky:<===rubber duckie says that your adoptie RAWKS!!
-Name of Pony StarBlaze
-size you want both
-female, breed winged uni TE
-Pony reference pic

-want the colors of the bathtub/hearts/towel/foam/bubbles to differ? No
-anything else? If you could make a little pearl necklace with a dark blue star gem on it... that would be awesome!
heya ladylavenderblue.
I skipped you, yes, because I couldn't find info on your persona and because other requests were piling up here :) I'll make yours next tho, it will be done soon :)
:D here comes your Ladylavenderblue ^^Hope you like her:

and this one is for lyricalstar:

didnt mean to make a double post,but dunno how to change that..

Hope you both like them ^^
shiyakuri, if you don't want to post two pictures right in a row, when you finish the second one, you can just click the edit post button of the first post and add it to that one. edit post button is in the bottom right corner of every post you make ^.^
heya :) yeah I know :p I do use the edit button a lot of times..this time something went wrong tho and instead of editing I posted a second post.. :p but its OK,i think it can stay like that
Can I have one of Princess Snowflake please? Here is is her profile:
Name: Princess Snowflake
type: Pegasi
Body: light purple with very hot pink freckles with a blue Lightning blaze down the front of her face
Hair: pure snow white with lightning blue stripe
Symbol: A Black thundercloud with brilliant blue lightning and a metallic silver snowflake falling from it
Bow: Pink
Birthmark: A bright blue Crown shaped birthmark
Location Of Birthmark: On the front of her right front hoof
Nickname: Thunderstorm
Eye Color: Metallic Blue Sapphire
Personality: Very Refined and cool calculating. She loves to farm
Powers: Controlling the Snow and Ice and Rainbows. Creating Thunderstorms and change the texture of the floor. Changing the texture of the roads and sidewalks.
Color Of Hooves: Black as a thundercloud
Hooves: Gecko like oversized super Hairy Hooves
Generation: Generation 1
Wing Color: metallic silver
Allergies: Bee Stings
Extra Info: Super hairy legs and the hair on her hooves and legs will regrow instantly even thicker when shaved and the hair completely covers her hooves but not long enough to be stepped on. She has a very huge permanent daredevil streak in her.
Size: The Size of a Big Brother Pony
Bandanna Color: blue and grey
Breed: Clydhsire
I would like a Pink Tub please and a rubber ducky please. I would like TP (78x80) Size please.
mia 2004, here is yours :)


I iz tired shi now :< Ill work on the others when I can... :p