Removing Acrylic Paint?


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
MLPTP Supporter
Dec 5, 2010
Hey all! I'm working on reorganizing my collection and came across three G3 Ponyville figures that I'd apparently painted with acrylic paint (I think it was my middle school self's vain attempt at customizing, eheheheh). I tried to clean them up a bit by soaking them in rubbing alcohol and scrubbing them with warm water, but it wasn't successful in getting the paint out of the tiny little niches like necks and hair. Is there a way I could soak them in something to help loosen the paint in those hard-to-reach places or something? Thanks so much!
The best way to get any paint off is acetone. Just be careful, it takes off everything, including any desk stain, fingernail polish you may have on your nails, etc. So I wouldn't soak it, I'd take a wash cloth, put some on, and do some scrubbing.
Are you trying to keep their original paint underneath? Because acetone will take that right off too.

You might try hot water to loosen the custom paint and a toothpick to scrape away at the creases.
