Re-hairing Question


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Apr 21, 2013
Hello everyone, I hope this is the right forum for this post.

I am working on my first re-hairing, the pony is Firefly and I am using the needle and thread method but I have encountered a couple of problems, the biggest being that I dont know how much hair to use for each plug I worry about breaking the the plastic between each hole and when I have managed to pull hair thru the hair has become folded and bent in the middle where it first came thru the hole and it doesn't look good.

The second problem is knowing how many holes are dedicated to the short hair in the front of the head, I was using Whizzer as a guide ( she has short hair in the first 3 holes at the top of her head) but looking at picture of the Firefly figure it looks like she is supposed to have more, but I don't have my own to compare it to.

I hope the description of my problems isn't too confusing, if need be I can post some picture, just let me know. Any help anyone can give would be appreciated, thanks.
Dependent on the type of hair you are using I would say no more than a dozen strands per plug. That's for very fine hair. If the hair is thicker to begin with go with about half that. This means that the hair coming out of the plug on the outside (what you see) will be twice as thick as what you used for one plug because the hair is bent around the thread inside the head. Unless I'm reading your method wrong and you are pulling the hair from inside out? With a knot or something inside to keep the hair from pulling out of the head?

As for the forelock question. My Firefly has the first nine plugs short, or about 1 cm. Hope that helps.
Often times your hank of hair will separate itself into little plugs of hair. Depending on the brand of hair I may use 3-4 of those little plugs together to make one actual plug to use. But with my method this one section will fill two plug holes. If your section is to fill one plug hole then maybe only use 2 of the separated pieces.
As for the crease the plastic thread leaves it will usually go away while you're rehairing. If not, then wash your ponies hair once you're done and the creases should be gone. If all else fails dip the hair in extremely hot water. I just run clean water through my coffee maker and use that. The heat should remove any leftover creases.

If your plug is too thick you may actually break the hair when pulling it through with the thread. So be careful. Trial and error for the first rehair job is expected.

As far as the forelock up front, I'm not sure. You could probably just eyeball how many holes to use for the forelock.

Happy rehairing and good luck!