Question about poses...


Snowy Tree Cricket
Sep 26, 2008
I want to make a pony for my boss that looks like her newest puppy. He's an Irish Wolfhound, and looks like a tiny horse, so... put two and two together and you get MLP ^_^

Anyways, I was looking around for bases to use and I was going to do the original '84 pose (four feet on the ground head hunched over) but I honestly hate that pose. And then I just saw a Powder in the Want to Sell forum and it's pose is perfect, except for the horn!
Does anyone have any tips to remove it? (exacto knife perhaps?) and if I did, would it be possible to smooth the plastic that's left behind? (or could I just "cheat" and smooth some sculpey over it?)

Or is there another pony in that pose that doesn't have a horn?

Any input/advice would be greatly appreciated!

(Oh and here's an ebay link to a Powder)

And in case you were wondering, I like these two poses for this project because they're the two positions you'll find him in when he's asleep XD
i don't think there are any earthlings in this pose. i myself love ot too (sadly i got a 3d symbol one >>) but i's say cutting te horn off and fillng it in with sculpy is the best way (or another clay) cause it worls and as long as you paint it it'll be hardly noticeable.

good luck!
:reaper: kat :reaper:
Hey, I've actually got a Powder with a chewed up horn and body discoloration. I could remove her horn and smooth it over with apoxie, if you're interested :)

Other than that, I think the only other ponies in that pose would be some of the Dance N Prance ponies, but then you've got those front buttons, which are worse than dealing with a horn! ;)