pulling hair is worse than pulling teeth.


Diva Pony
Jan 28, 2009
I'm trying to yank out the hair of a G3 Breezie and it's awful. I got some of it out but there's a brick of glue in there that sounds like a rock when I try to grab it with the pliers.
I tried boiling her head but it didn't do a thing- AND it seems like the heat from the water closed the plugs where I already got a few hairs out.

UGH I dunno what to do
Wow I don't know what kind of advice to give for your situation. I'm guessing you'd need really small pliers. They sell small pliers with bigger teeth on them for grip. Maybe try that?
Did you cut off all her hair first? It helps to chop off their hair before pulling it out (that way you only have lil nubbies to deal with. If you have enough room, stick the pliers back in and kind of rock the glue ball back and forth to see if it'll break. I hope you get it outta there!
boiling water. helps soften the glue. it does help to have the hair cut off before you pull them out. good luck on it.
I've only ever pulled hair out of G1s - from what I understand, alot of people have problems with G3s, but clearly it IS possible! I'm sure a wise g3 customizer will come along and help you out xD Don't lose hope yet :p
take the ponies head on the corner of something, your desk, a table, whatever and between the ears push it down on the edge of your table...you'll hear the glue cracking and breaking, it will eventually all break apart and you'll be able to get it all out =)
take the ponies head on the corner of something, your desk, a table, whatever and between the ears push it down on the edge of your table...you'll hear the glue cracking and breaking, it will eventually all break apart and you'll be able to get it all out =)

lol, this sounds so violent! XD
I did cut her hair. I actually snipped it with scissors first then I used a nail clipper to cut it wayyyy down to like the scalp. And I also did boil it. I'm afraid to do it again because I think it's ruining the only open plugs I have.
I'll try the table corner thing... It's really hard though. I pushed between her ears to feel it and it's solid.
ugh i know how annoying tgis is. been threre done that actually cut myself trying to fix it XD;;

anywatys first thing i want to say is don't be afraid of the holes closeing back up. you can still see their indents and upi can just poke new ones. a safety pin or a thumb tack (with a handle not the fat silver ones) are great for that. and the plastic will actually start to reclose after you punch the new hole so it's not like you need extra hair in them either. this is what i do allll the time. so don't fret about closeing up hair holes-it's not that big of a deal!

secondly rthe glue. yeah...the heating it up has never really helped me. what the heat actually does is make the plastic plyable not the glue. so if you've gota little bits left (like the foremost ieces of mane that you can't reach with your pliers) it helps to heat not only to loosen that but yo make the hole plyable to reach into it.

what i do to loose the glue is actually scrape it from the inside with a pair of scissors. now i've done this ALOT so my scossors are now crta when it comes to cutting things (beside my wire) but they're grfeat for scraping. if you scrap it right it'll even pull the hair out from the inside too and after a few scrappungs just shake the head a little to make the loose glue fall out and for the new loosened hair to fall out too so you can grab it with your pliers. it takes alot of finagiling and paitence, but it is doable. just be careful not to get fed up enopugh to stab yourself ^^;

i hope this can herlp you. i personally hate when maners do that to ya, especially the G3s. sometimes i just wanna throw them out the window when they do that ^^; but don't worry it can be overcome! need anymore clarifying i'm more than happy to try
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
If you're worried about losing your plug-holes, do what I do! I take sewing pins and stick one in each hole if they're particularly small.
Get some 100% acetone, pour it in there and let it sit a while... it should loosen/dissolve the glue some. :)
I think I'm gonna try the scraping, then the acetone... we shall we who comes out the victor!
Nail polish remover usually isn't 100% acetone (some even advertise that they don't have acetone in them). Sometimes you can find a bottle of 100% acetone near the nail polish removers, but not always. I had to go to the hardware department where they had the paint thinner.

Just be careful, because pure acetone is pretty toxic. I'd suggest wearing some rubber gloves and do it outside or in a ventilated area.

Good luck!
cut the hair short outside the neck (you're not trying to salvage it, are you?) then use the handle of a spoon or something else relatively flat to scrape/beat/bludgeon the inside of the neck where the glue is to break it up and loosen it. then use needle-nose pliers (or needle holders) to pull the chunks out. Good luck!