Psst! Something's Happening...

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The Comic Con pony is a conquistador of love and has eyes only for me?
you are bored and what to mess with the people who spend too much time online =P
Hasbro has decided they luv Aussies and since they never let us buy their ponies online, they are going to send each of us a Comic Con Pony as a gesture of their luv? :super:
I know. This is the ULTIMATE.

Comic Con pony is actually the first g3 male pony. He came from the planet Ponytron. His secret identity was kept secret for years, until he he was forced to redisover his powers. He was then thrust into superhero action, battling the everyday forces of crime. SDCC's fans loved him so much, they paid to send him on a vacation to Hawaii. But while there, he encountered some unhappy UK and Aussie tourists. They were upset because they had no superhero from Ponytron. They had called him several times in the past, only to be dissapointed with no response. Of course, he knew who had blocked their signals. It was the queen of evil, the duchess of destruction- PINKIE PIETRON, and her terrible army, the rest of the C7. Will Superpwny save the world from this terrible demise? Find out soon.....:vscared:
~Giggles at jewel~ your making a special super hero pony for those wifes of the board who's husbands are deployed to iraq!!!
The Comic Con Pony comes in So-Soft now?

Well I wasn't bored and it may involve aliens at some point. You'll find out soon! Promise~!
ALIENS?????eeeeeeeeeeee.Are you saying that aliens are going to invade everyone's pony collections??There goes my sleep tonight!!:p
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The suspense is killing me...
Comic Con pony finally has laser eyes and is going to zap aliens???
:dog_dance:eek:oooooooooh, i keep looking for updates! please put me out my misory!
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