Pricing guides?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 22, 2005
Thanks for the help.

EDIT: Post edited by request of someone who has left the community and no longer wants their name mentioned here. I don't know what's going on; I'm just complying with their request.
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It's hard to figure out pricing any more. I used to take an average between eBay and, but eBay is totally wacked lately :shock: and the website is a little out of date. If you have a list I can tell you if I've sold any of them lately, and for how much.
Crazy Kat Lady said:
I used to take an average between eBay and, but eBay is totally wacked lately :shock: and the website is a little out of date.

Haha, that's probably what I'll end up doing too. Can't be too picky on prices, since it's not like most ponies were ever over about $4 originally and even selling them at $5 is getting back your money + profit. XD
Paintmeblue said:
I price my ponies by ebay. nothing else, because it seems less accurate.

Seems to be the popular suggestion. Thanks!

EDIT: Post edited by request of someone who has left the community and no longer wants their name mentioned here. I don't know what's going on; I'm just complying with their request.
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right now prices have definitely gone down. i think it's because it's summer and people would rather go on trips. it will be difficult to sell ponies at their cost right now though.