Poor kitty, poorer mama


Flighty Pegasus
MLPTP Supporter
Aug 5, 2019
Hi, as some of you may know, my poor fur baby has had a trying week. He was feeling icky over the holiday (Memorial Day) but it wasn’t until Thursday we discovered something was really wrong. We think it was a bacterial infection but since he’s got a pre-existing heart condition he was referred to ISU veterinary hospital where he was admitted and just released this morning. The team up there was absolutely amazing and kept me updated constantly (no less than 4 phone calls throughout Friday alone). He could not have been in better hands.

But I’m happy to report he is back home now and doing good. He’s on some medications for a week or so but we’re on our way to recovery.

I am glad to hear kitty is ok! Hope nothing else like that happens.

Just was tending to friend's cats over the weekend, one has chronic cough, that is so stressfull even to me. Can not imagine having a chronically ill pet without worrying nonstop
So happy to hear that he is back home and on the way to recovery!