Ponyland Gossip-- Prizes Shipped!


Singing Sea Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jul 7, 2006
Hello pony people! Do you have ponies on the brain?

"I definitely, indubitably, without a doubt do" says Wind Whistler, our host and friend.

Well, I'll bet some of you, heck, maybe even most of you have seen a My Little Pony episode or movie sometime in your days, months, or years of collecting. Now, what could be more fun that guessing which pony said which silly quote from one of the MLP movies or TV episodes?


"Gee, SoSoftClaire, I've read every text book there is out there and I still don't know what could be more fun than that!" our little friend chimes in.

Guessing Game

I will put up a couple of quotes throughout the day for a week or so, and you pony people will have to figure out who said which quotes, based on your memory of the MLP cartoons and movies. (This goes for the G1s and the G3s! And if the G2s had a cartoon, I'd take some from there too, but they don't, so alas I shan't.) Quotes can come from ponies, bushwoolies, people, witches, anyone! You get the idea. Anyone or anything that had a line in any of the MLP episodes or movies can have a quote put up here.

If you cannot remember who said what quote, you may have to look back at your old (or new) cartoons and see if you can do some sleuthing.

There will definitely be prizes for this game! So stick with it, because there will be 2, count 'em folks, 2 winners! And winning is based on how many correct answers you give!

Ok, I'm unveiling the prizes. There will be 2 winners, and if somehow 3 people tie, I'll just have to add another prize in there!

Here are the prizes so far:


First Place: Mexican Desert Rose and kitchen, and G1 party hats!


Second place: Orange glitter fakie!

How to Play!

Ok folks, here is the tricky part, I'll make this big and bold so everyone sees it before playing.

I'll put up a couple of quotes throughout the day, and I'll post them right here. Now the way you're going to answer (without giving it away to everyone) is similar to how the MLPTP Trivia game worked.

You will have to answer in WHITE text.

That means you'll have to type out your answer, but BEFORE you hit "submit" you'll want to highlight that text and make it WHITE, I repeat, WHITE WHITE WHITE! This way it will not show up for everyone to see. The only way I'll be able to read your answer will be to highlight it.
To answer, you'll want to press the quote button and then answer like you're quoting my post. Look below for an example.

Question posted by me, SoSoftClaire:
Who said, "I wish, I wish..."?

Your answer:
Who said, "I wish, I wish...?"
Answer: Twilight
Highlight the area above this line of text and you will see the whited out answer. This is how you should reply with your answer to this game.


Now if you remember the trivia contest we had a while ago, the winners had their correct answers tallied up and put up for all to see. I will do the same thing, and will post the tallied answers here in this first post of this thread. The two people with the highest number of correct answers will both win a prize.

No cheating, please, this is supposed to be fun!

And one final thing, if you have any questions, post them here!
I will give hints if it gets too difficult, but tricky hints!


"I wish, I wish..."

I'll put up the first quote a little later tonight, so stay tuned folks!

Screenshots courtesy of Dragonflitter's webiste!

And don't forget the other fun things going on this month:


Correct Answer Tallies:
(Updated after the quote about Spike.)

Final scores!

Baby Nightmare = 2
Baby StarbowMLP = 18
Canazta = 10
Dragon lady = 14

FireByrd = 7
Hidden Treasure = 5
LadyM = 4
Lunarose8 = 16
Marios Gusty = 15
Mia2004 = 1
miss tuneful = 2
Neduoske = 1
Ombyshadow = 17
Quakers96 = 13
Sailorlibra = 1
Skeen = 2
Skig = 18
skyrocketneko = 0
Starwitch78 = 2
Sunnie Bunny = 1
Sweetiebabyfizzy = 6
Twilight2008 = 1
Una = 11
Unicorn Gusty = 18
x0x Applejack x0x = 1
Yuixe = 1
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Quote post: You can look here to quickly see which quote or quotes are currently being asked. The current quote or quotes will be in Wind Whistler blue. The older quotes will have the answers posted too!

First quote up:
Who said, "This bridge doesn't feel very safe!" ?
Edit: Answered. Answer is Applejack!

Second quote up:
Who said, "Salt has a corrosive effect if you sprinkle it on the bubble's surface"?
Edit: Answered. Answer is Wind Whistler!

Third quote up:
Who said, "Hey Uggo, ya hungry?"
Edit: Answered. Answer is Danny!

Fourth quote up:
Who said, "What is it, thunder, drums, heavy dancing?"
Edit: Answered. Answer is Fizzy!

Fifth quote up:
Who said, "That was fun, let's do it again!"
Answer: Rarity!

Sixth quote up:
Who said, "Get. Me. Some. MORE!"
Answer: Catrina from Escape from Catrina

Seventh quote up:
Who said, "My horn itches."
Answer: Gusty!

Eight quote up:
Who said, "I heard spiders were ticklish."
Answer: Molly!

Ninth quote up:
Who said, "Minty, Minty, Minty"?
Answer: Pinkie Pie

Tenth quote up:
Who said, "He's really a prince!"
Answer: Spike!

Eleventh quote up: Who said, "That's no rainbow"?
Answer: Twilight!

Twelfth quote up: Who said, "Applesauce anyone?"?
Answer: Applejack!

Thirteenth quote up: Who said, "Let the parade of costumes begin!"?
Answer: Megan!

Fourteenth quote up: Who said, "I have to remember not to mention Grundle land again."?
Answer: King of Grundles!

Fifteenth quote up: Who said, "I've always been clumsy." ?
Answer: Sundance

Sixteenth quote up:
Who said, "I surely do. I hear the sound of you not playin'!" ?
Answer: Truly

Bonus quote, worth 2 points! Last quote until the winners are announced!!
Who said, "Well blow me down! Where is everybody?"
Answer: Salty

Game over, scores will be tallied up shortly, thanks for playing!
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Answer: Applejack! The G1 Applejack, of course.
Answer: Applejack
Alright, the answer is... drumroll please


Correct answers will be tallied and put in the first post a little later today.
Next quote up is:

Who said, "Salt has a corrosive effect if you sprinkle it on the bubble's surface"?