Pony name generator


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
Cos i have nothing to do 2AM in the internet :p


I must fix it cos sometimes real names (Rainbow Swirl and Silver Song) pops up...
It is not done and compleat yet but i cant wait to hear some comments :p

And if someone have suggetins of "pony related" words let me know... i have no mutch english vocabulary ^_^
I'm Spirit Belle!
Cool name I think...!!! :D
Evening cream?
Glitter wisper was pretty cool. And Moon Song!
Spirit Posh and Love Stone when I tried twice. FUN!

Rain Dancer (which is funny, because I picked out the name Rain_Dance for my sister once!)

Flash Tart is cool.

Princess Wild Circles is uh...odd. :D
Pink Pink Dancer
Cherry Charming
Pink Color Soda

Hehe. I like Cherry Charming though!

This was tres fun!

Let me think of some more good words for you...

I'll come back later for those words.

Star Soda...

sounds like a really bad knock off of coke or something
princessluna11706 said:
LOL I got Dream Soft
Isnt that a fabric softener? :p

I got snow wish, which is funny cause I constantly wish for snow :togetoutofgoingtoworkcough:
Pink Music Candy! :lol: That's an interesting one.
Cloud Pouncer - sounds like the name for a My Little Cat. :D
X 0-) Some of the stuff others've been getting's pretty cool and amusing... "Pink Color Soda," haha. It's like the mystery meat at the cafeteria; all they can tell you is the color, not what went into it...

I get...
Love Circles [around to bite you? o.o; >.> ]
Blue Fire Wing [...which gives some pretty cool ideas, actually : 0-D ]
Golden Luau [tiki god statues, anyone? o.o; ]
Bright Petal [sounds like a real name.]
Rainbow Drops [for those twinkle-eyes who've lost their shine...]
Pink Cream [see "mystery meat" remark above.]
Pink Dream [her sister? o.o; ]
Castle Dancer [when you fly up on the ramparts, trot about and MOCK the peons below who don't have wings. X 0-) ]
Earth Fun [because she knows Castle Dancer's head's full of air.]

All right...enough. : 0-P Too many puns from my father as a child scarred me for life, you can see...