G1 Pony Lore


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 12, 2016
Call me sad and pathetic, but since I've been knocked down with norovirus, I watched a few My Little Pony and Friends episodes off the net. Just finished the Golden Horseshoes, and suddenly thought that if Mimic is a descendant of the first unicorn, does that mean she's related to Majesty?
The first unicorn shown in the arc does look bear a resemblance to Majesty. She's got the same hair color, but her coat has a pinkish tone to it. The pony in question is also missing her symbol.

It's an interesting theory, at any rate.
The thing that somewhere in years way gone by, I read that Majesty was the first unicorn in Ponyland, formed via some strange magical method... So if that was true, then Mimic would be Majesty's descendant, right? Wouldn't that make her a Princess instead of a plain old twinkle eyed?