G1 Pony Hunting in Europe?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Nov 20, 2020
Hello friends, I come asking you for recommendations on where to hunt for ponies in Europe. More specifically, I'll be visiting these places in Europe in early October this year:

UK - London, Bath, Nottingham (for UK PonyCon)
France - Paris, Versailles
Spain - Barcelona
Portugal - Lisbon

Thank you for any and all recommendations or insight! <3
Or hey, if you have general travel recommendations for these places as well, I'm all ears!
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Ponycon is great! Lots of stalls with whole buckets of ponies :hearteyes:
I’m going to Europe for the first time this summer (France, Italy, Switzerland), so I would also love to hear some recommendations!
I'm from France but very new to this community and in collecting MLP so I'll be glad if someone has recommendations :lolpony:

Sadly thrift store near my home haven't any pony, but I think maybe open-air rummage/jumble sale can worth the try !