Pony Heritage Adopt *CLOSED*

i cant see it willow can you pm me it it s ages to load hehe..
Pick up for ladylavenderblue
I hope I did the right persona! :D

I am now CLOSED.
Butterpony, if you see this let me know which pony you want, and I'll finish yours!

Hmm, I want... Astropixie! :D


Here's her symbol:


Thank you! :hysterical:
Oh my god, Willow, thank you so much! I love her! I have had this persona on the back burner for a while, but I am so happy that she is finally complete. :) Now I just have to give her a name.
Oh my god, Willow, thank you so much! I love her! I have had this persona on the back burner for a while, but I am so happy that she is finally complete. :) Now I just have to give her a name.

You're very welcome :)

Pick up for butterpony!
Thank you so very much, Willow! She's so beautiful you're awesome!