*~*Pony "Al Dente" Contest!!!*~*-closed. Go vote!

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Has bait ponies and a lot pasta!!!*I am italian american after all lol* May I join Miss Pika????

This contest will definately suit you then lol
Yes, everyone can join!

Nat, I've already thought of another contest but I'm gonna throw that idea out unless someone wants to run that one. It wouldn't be a pretty sight for the TP though. "Garbage Pail ponies" haha!
This contest will definately suit you then lol
Yes, everyone can join!

Nat, I've already thought of another contest but I'm gonna throw that idea out unless someone wants to run that one. It wouldn't be a pretty sight for the TP though. "Garbage Pail ponies" haha!

Yippie! *goes to raid the pasta cabinet* Yes there really is a pasta cabinet in my house, pasta of every kind, type and shape!
We can use cooked pasta huh? Hmm...

EDIT: After 40 minutes of building and cutting, I have managed to get cooked pasta to 'stick' to the pony. It IS primarily made of starchy wheat gluten after all. I still have to wait until tomorrow to finish my pasta de resistance.
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This is so funny! Love the dinosaur, can't wait for more. Wish I had some custom bait. Although if you do garbage pail ponies I might just have to use my thrift store milky way. She is a bit chewed and I do have another one. hee hee.

<-- this one for the voting!



More photos and a 'making of' are here: http://www.mlptp.net/forums/customs/64860-al-dente-contest-pony.html#post468338
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Okay, so here is my entry :p
I ran into some serious troubles with the noodles but I worked on it *literally* all day so I had to submit.
She is made mostly with elbow noodles for scales and half of faffarelle noodles for fins and the tail.

My inspiration was the character Rainbow Fish from the rainbow fish books, something about elbows just worked for me as scales so I thought of rainbow fish and just ran with it.

Here's a pic of rainbow fish:

This is the side pic, and the pic for voting of my rainbow fish pony

The result definitely did not turn out the way I saw it in my head, but I figured it was suppose to be a fun challenge, and I did have fun :D
hehe that's so cute!!! another good one! the one pasta in her booty looks like a ninja threw a star into it *ouch* I love it!
Those are great! So who else is going to take up the challenge?

*snort* Pika dear garbage pail ponies? Surely you mean nappy pail ponies what with two boys to contend with.
This looks like a lot of fun. I m not sure that i will have time to participate tho.
AHAHAHA KAR! I love it! I was going to enter but gah! I'd fail compared to that.
Kar! that is hilarious! Sheepish is going to eat my poor rainbow fish pony!

I just had to say awesome awesome awesome job, when you can paste noodles on a pony and it doesn't look ridiculous, you know you've succeeded :p
omg Kar hahahahahahahaaahahahahaha I think you've given definition to this contest with your entry. So fab!
Wow Kar your pony is super awesome! Very clever and nicely put together.
Here's my entry:

Her name is Noodle. :) As it says on her side in Japanese. She's sortov..cyborg based..SORTOV. Not my best work..but I like her. :) As for the hearts..I have no clue...
More pictures:

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