Ponies at Flea Markets


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 3, 2006
How often do ponies pop up at flea markets? I've never actually been to one but i've been thinking about going.
I find a pony or pony related items it seems every week since the beginning of the year, so I'd say definitely go! And let us know what you bring bakc. ;)
I hardly ever find anything ^^;; but MLP's have been htf in NY for years now.. so it's nothing new. I'd still say go, coz you never know!
mostly it depends on the area, I think. Here in CA, I find ponies every couple of weeks, but some people can find them every time they go, others can't find any.
Man here in texas, San Antonio I find ponies everytime i go, There are 4 ladies that have tables full of ponies, WEird they come up very often. I say go, I went to houston and found 4 but that was it and I went to 4 different flea markets. Here it never fails, I get like 10 to 20 ponies everytime I go.
Mylittleponylover maybe I should hire you to find them for me! Hahahaha. I hope I don't come up empty handed when I go! I love finding ponies and fixing them up :D
It definitely depends on the area. Lots of people find them all the time. A week ago I had my first thrift-store pony find in over a year.
I don't even have any flea markets near me!!!!!!!! :(
mylittleponylover said:
Man here in texas, San Antonio I find ponies everytime i go, There are 4 ladies that have tables full of ponies, WEird they come up very often. I say go, I went to houston and found 4 but that was it and I went to 4 different flea markets. Here it never fails, I get like 10 to 20 ponies everytime I go.
Hmm. . I've been talking to my husband about moving to Texas. . I believe that's more of a push!!
NE La and W Miss are pointless to look at.
I go to the mile high flea market and...well either it stinks, or it is wonderful. A little over a month ago, I got 20 ponies two weeks in a row. The next two that I went, I found maybe 4 g1's, and a lady selling some g2's (which I bought after finding so few g1's). Then three weeks ago I found 0. :-( The week before last came home with 27 plus some other 80s toys :-D (list can be seen in other post lol) Last week it rained, so didn't go, so wish me luck for tomorrow!!!
I've been having decent luck lately because the local flea market owner/buyer/fiend/scalper seems to have retired from ponies...what, couldn't move 'em at prices like $17 for a Pony Bride? Didn't anyone ever offer you a friendly suggestion? Maybe you spat back with childish snobbery or something? Oh dear, I do *so* hate being right :twisted:

Yes, garage sales rarely have ponies, but flea markets often do, and cheap. This year at least.
I only find maybe 3 in one year :(
At the Superflea in Buffalo NY I used to find ponies everytime I went there, and they were always on the cheap too! Once I got a whole Carry Case full of ponies once for $5- and Lil Tot and Birthflower Daffodil were among them.


I went back for the first time in a while last year and the stands that sold 80's toys were gone. They had been there for years but... no more.
There is this one flea market a ways from me that is held once a month. Each time I go, I always come back with 5-25 ponies depending on what kinds of new toys the venders got.

As for other flea markets, I usually find nothing. When I do, it's usually just one or two, and most of the time they are fakies. I got lucky a few times and found a bunch at a local flea market.

I know one of the other big ones near me had a collector that already goes to it (I do believe she posts here every now and then), so I feel it's not worth my time going if she already has the place cleaned out. :lol:
I'm about to make a post with everything I found at the flea-market here last weekend. =)

There is a woman who sells ponies and always has a tub or two filled with them! (But two other gals always get there before me and find all the good ones). The guy beside her who sells ponies once sold me a nice Munchy for $2.00!

Both vendors always sell them all for $2.00 each (even if they have no tail). I find a lot of custom bait there. But not much else, unfortunately. Once in awhile I find something good. =)
I found ponies at a flea market Once in my life. And that was because I specifically asked one of the venders to find me some. She dosen't go there anymore :( It's so bad that even if I found a concave foot cotton candy with one ear chewed off, I would probably buy her, just because she was a pony. I'm so desperate.





WEll I didnt go to the flea market today but one of the ladies at the flea market has my number abd she called me and told me she had alot of stuff. WEll there i went to her house and bought only the good/mint stuff and left the rest behind this is a usual find for me at my flea markets.
It seriously depends where in the world you live.....thats my only advise.