$ Price Check $ Please help me with prices...


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 3, 2015
I have a MIB Celebration Castle unopened that I would so love to find a price for. I want to be fair to the person I am talking to and myself, but the only price I found was on Ebay and that is one price I don't think is even remotely right.

I also have a Minty MIB with the free VCR tape that I would like the price for.

Any and all help would be much appreciated :cool:
I don't know on the Minty, but I would think *MIB*, the Celebration Castle at this point (we're going on 12 years, here!) should be at *least* $50, maybe more. MIB and unopened, after all! That's what I would see as a fair price as a buyer and what I would ask for as a seller, I think, even though it's not probably greatly sought after (or is it? the G3 kids are starting to reach the age of nostalgia for their old toys... haha). Hopefully someone with better pricing knowledge will speak up. Good luck.