*Parasol Fairy* for AusMLP


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 17, 2006
Parasol Fairy is a commission for the lovely AusMLP who I might add is a doll to deal with. :)
She asked me to make her a G3 custom based on G1 Parasol with fairy wings.

She is made from a G3 Coconutcream base. AusMLP mentioned that she liked the look of my custom "Dawn" so I decided to make Parasol Fairy with metallic and pearlescent paints. I added a little more detail to her parasols making them multi colored.

Her wings are made from printed acetate, clear gallery glass and pink microbeads. They are secured with wire and completely posable.

Her hair is Dollyhair's Starlight gradient dyed in pink, yellow, green and blue. I couldn't find a nice pastel green and once I decided to hand dye it myself I thought why not dye all the colors and also give a gradient effect? Her hair has also been cut to the traditional G1 length.

AusMLP seems to be happy with her and I hope that the rest of you enjoy seeing her as well. :)
Thanks for looking.

Here are some pictures...




She is gorgeous! I absolutely love those wings!! Awesome job!!!
her colors are perfect! the curl you got in her mane is amazing, too!
Oh. My. Gawd. This is a seriously beautiful custom. Excellent hair blend, and that pearly body color is to die for. Drooool.
:wow1:She is amazing!
I love the pink pearliness and the awesome pastel colors in her hair. She's gorgeous! Great job :)
Your customs are AMAZING. I took the time to look at your post, then your website, and then every custom you had photos of (which are equally amazing) and then I showed them to anyone who would sit down and look! I am definitely a fan!

Gorgeous! I love the wings and the pearlescents!
There are not enough words to say "beautiful"....
What a babe! Rock-on! Flawless and pearly, this girl is gorgeous. Lovely as can be..really lovely..awww..
ohhhh pritty!
She is gorgeous! Parasol is one of my favs and she just look so purty!
Thanks all *hugs* She was a lot of fun to make.
Parasol is one of the few ponies I have left from my childhood collection and I've always had a soft spot for her.