OMG 20p!!!!!!!!

TWENTY. PENCE-NOT-POUNDS!!!!!!!! O. M. G.!!!! This must be some kind of "holy crow whatta find" record--and in such good condition, too. Good lord. I'm not going to sleep tonight thinking about that. I keep going back and looking at the pics of his gorgeous self, and then checking the "p" to see if it changed to a pound sign. omg. :cheshire:

Good one!!!
now thats the find of a life time...Big Congrats
OMG! That is like every collectors dream! Congrats hon! Major congrats!
What an amazing deal! Huge congrats!!! He's in great shape too!
Love the dutchies as well!
Wow! Seriously, WOW. Amazing find. You are so lucky!
Didn't you want to look at this lady (after paying for it) and go: Have you any idea what this pony is WORTH?! :p (Or am I just being silly?)
Wow.....what a steal! Congrats!

If you ever come across a cheap Lightning or Sunspot, let me know! I'll send ya the 40p now. lol
Wow! That is definitely an awesome find! Congrats on a handsome boy you got there :)
WOW!!!!! That is just amazing. Huge congrats- gives me hope that there are still bargains to be found! xxx
oh wow I had mis-tranlated into pounds and thought that was still good = but W-O-W less than a US dollar = you are so right to be jumping up and down happy :) great pony goodness came your way :)

*faints* That is like the best deal ever in pony history!*Dies and goes to pony heaven*
HUGE congrats that must be close to brag of the year so far :mrgreen: