OK, ratty hair... ADDED NEW QUESTION!



I have searched and I am missing the answers to what i assume is a common question... how to fix that ratty pony hair?!
My 6.5 year old has a few favourites who have been well loved and we'd like to tidy them up.
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Obviously, not a project for a six year old. But believe it or not a flat iron can work wonders. :) I always suggest practicing on a pony you won't miss should anything happen, since I know some of the professional irons can get quite hot. Iron small sections at a time starting at a low setting, raising it until you get the results you want. Do this while the hair is dry.

Works well on ponies without tinsel -that can get worse. with tinsel, you can, also smooth the hair. Pick out the strands of tinsel and brushing that aside and just ironing the vinyl hair. (this is really time consuming though.)

Keeping the hair nice, I'd always do one braid for the mane, one for the tail. Tie the ends with a ribbon. Worked well for me when I had ponies set aside I'd let little visitors play with.
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I iron after detangling, which is best accomplished with liberal amounts of both of conditioner and patience. Keep the hair saturated with conditioner when ironing as it can help prevent overheating to an extent. Remember, it's much better to have the iron too cool than too hot. Have a tutorial with neat pictures!

If you plan on sticking around, feel free to post in the Introductions & Welcomes - My Little Pony Trading Post Forum. Welcome and best of luck with the restorations!
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Thank you both! Definitely a project for mom ;)
Sounds do-able and I love the braid suggestion!
Iron small sections at a time starting at a low setting, raising it until you get the results you want. Do this while the hair is dry.

I'm curious about that. Why dry?
I do it both ways (wet or dry), depending on damage.

Dry is a lot more user friendly when you're starting I find. That and, I tend to go for less intense methods first, and work my way from there. Ironing wet, it's much easier to end up with iron lines at the hairline from the edge of the iron. Easier to fizzle the hair, sometimes you can end up with crunchy hair or get burnt by steam. If the hair is really, really bad, like a pot scrubber- it's worth the risk. You're not making that hair worse! I'll do a couple wet runs with a little conditioner. Most of the time, the dry works really well for me.
Huh, interesting. Not having any experience yet, I just thought wetting the hair would keep it from going too hot, since excess heat would go into producing steam. I'd no idea it could damage the hair more than dry heating.
Yep~ I made iron lines at the bottoms on some LOL
And the pot scrubber hair frizzle super easy! Good thing I started with the ones missing limbs and things from dogs... but still much beloved. One Sweetie Belle got a real short cut though!

But I am amazed at how well the conditioner + iron work!
We are having a 'pony spa' tomorrow to rinse them out.

QUESTION: best tips for re-curling (and making our own curlers)?
Best way to wash bodies for removing small marks?
1. Go to Walmart and look in the beauty section for funny little foam rollers that curl back on themselves to hold a curl in place. They come in several sizes.

2. Magic Eraser or bargain brand.

I wouldn't worry too much, Pinkie. With conditioner in the hair it's nearly impossible to damage it by brushing it. In fact, I never brush a pony's hair until it has conditioner in it, and then I use a fine tooth comb to work it through.