NJ Devil custom FINISHED!!! ( updated June 8, 2009 )

WOW! I envy your sculpting skills and patience. He looks amazing! Can't wait to see him finished.
I'm looking forward to see the end product! I can see why he takes a long time. Great work !
that is so fricking awesome. such details. you must have a lot of patience to get those strands and scales just right. cant wait to see the finish work.
Awesome :)
Holy crap!! That's the coolest custom ever!!
that sculpted tail is seriously amazing!!! *o*
:surprise: HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!! It's completely breath taking, I LOVE IT!!!
I knew this was going to be awesome but Holy Crud!!!! That is going to be (is already) so amazing!!​
wow! That's so cool, although being a hockey pony I did open the page thinking to see a hockey NJ Devil pony...
wow! That's so cool, although being a hockey pony I did open the page thinking to see a hockey NJ Devil pony...

Heh, that's what a LOT of people tend to think, especially people I work with and my customers at the store. They sometimes forget about the legend of the Jersey Devil, and they're native born NJersians themselves! ^^;

he looks so amazing! and i know you said you're going to paint him, but i just love his colors; it all just goes together so well i think. and the hair is just amazing! it really brings him to life i think
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
WOO! Uncle John's bathroom reader! AWESOME custom idea man!!!!! :D :D
Oh, wait, it's just the New Jersey devil looking devilsihly awesome.