"New Look" (ponyville) Mermaid Ponies Found- Added Ponyville V-day and Easter

*sigh* okay they've grown on me a bit since the last time i posted XD
I think im going to buy..one of them :\
I wanted pinkie pie but her arms are just too wierd.
After I buy them Ill probably remove their makeup XD
But i must say i dislike their charms, the beginning G3 ones were so much cuter, and better quality-ish.
I think i may have to buy my first ponyville... they had to do sea themed didn't they?!?

I like how they are in different poses so they would probably look cute all together... and they didn't leave Toola Roola out for once!
the mermaids look fab to me however i dont collect pony villes ive never liked them if im honest so hasbro better make bigger versions lol
LOL not to offend anyone. But doesn't cherrilee look like she pooped her tail out?
Interesting..I added them to the Ponyville checklist as well ;)
Has anyone seen the mermaid Ponyvilles in the store yet? I haven't, but then again, none of the stores around here carry many MLP items and what they do have is mostly stuff from last year. I've also been looking all over for the Celebrate Spring Ponyville set as well as the ponies with the bonus NBCs, but I haven't found any of them.
Has anyone seen the mermaid Ponyvilles in the store yet? I haven't, but then again, none of the stores around here carry many MLP items and what they do have is mostly stuff from last year. I've also been looking all over for the Celebrate Spring Ponyville set as well as the ponies with the bonus NBCs, but I haven't found any of them.
It looks like they're due out in the fall - MY LITTLE PONY
Whenever the ponies visit the sea, they magically become beautiful mermaids! Join them as they have waves of fun discovering a brand new world!
CHEERILEE builds a sandcastle with her little seal friend!
Your pretty CHEERILEE pony is looking forward to a fun afternoon under the “surf†with her seal accessory buddy and with you! Help your new friend gather imaginary sand with her bucket and shovel accessories. You’ve already got one “sandcastle†to start with—see how big your imagination can make your next one!
CHEERILEE pony figure comes with seal, sandcastle, bucket and shovel accessories ana charm.

Wait a minute... isn't CHEERILEE also CHERRY BLOSSOM? Cheerilee was also the name of a G3 Unicorn! I'm all mixed up :scratch:
GAH, so it's true, they are real! Someone is leaking them from China on evilBay. But if they are slated to come out fall, I will just wait and see. I don't like ponyville and I don't like g3.5s, but I might have to make an exception for a unicorn and pegasus sea pony.