NEW! G4 Cupcake, Dewdrop Dazzle, Blossomforth

*squeals* HEDGEHOG!!! *dies*

I have nothing worthwhile to contribute. I am dead of the cute. :D
I love Dewdrop Dazzle! I can't wait till these get to the stores near me. I want Cupcake just for that hedgehog.
When are these other ponies going to arrive in Canada?! So far, I have only seen the main 6 singles, and they have JUST popped up, along with a few of their playsets.

I still don't think they look much like ponies, but they are SOOOO CUTE I don't even care.
Does anyone realise the names can be put in alphabetical order?

Dewdrop Dazzle

AND if you add Applejack, you have an A......

I seriously want to find Dewdrop Dazzle & her friends SOMEWHERE in Australia SOON!!!!!
Adorable, all three of them, and the animals, too! Such interesting colours on the ponies - and eye-shadow! I felt reminded of the Rockin' Beats ponies, which I love.
cutecutecutecutecute!!!!! :D
I really like Cupcake. :)
It kind of bothers me that their cartoon images all look like recolors. :/
Ok I'm really getting sick of the stupid animal companions.
However, I do like the ponies. If I buy these, you can be sure the accessories will be in the freebies section.
Ok I'm really getting sick of the stupid animal companions.
However, I do like the ponies. If I buy these, you can be sure the accessories will be in the freebies section.

These are just added extras for the kids to play with. It seems that all toys right now are coming with these animal friends or extra plastic like toys that will be lost within the first 5 mintues a child opens the pony box. LOL
I really like Dewdrop! I hope these show up soon!
EEEEEEEEEEE! I must have these! My poor bank account.
Ok I'm really getting sick of the stupid animal companions.
However, I do like the ponies. If I buy these, you can be sure the accessories will be in the freebies section.

Awww....that's the only reason I like these singles. :945:
ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I'm very happy that they decided not to go with the Core 7 thing again. This is very encouraging, indeed.:bliss:
So, I have not been able to keep up with the show, although I'm dying to, as I LOVE IT! I don't know what these ponies' personalities are like, or even if they have been introduced on the show yet.

That being said, I'm not in love with them... yet.

Although on first sight, I definitely added Dewdrop Dazzle to my wishlist! I love unicorns, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to get all the unicorns, like I did with the G3s.

I don't really like the pets that much because they are so tiny and their eyes aren't as cute as they could be, plus the detail isn't there, but what can you expect with an extra really? I do think they are pretty cute though, especially the hedgehog and the racoon!!! I was a little disappointed that Dewdrop didn't come with an exotic pet too, but when you think about it, a little puddle duck is a great companion for her!

So, to be more concise, I'll probably be picking up Dewdrop Dazzle, but the rest I can leave.

I am liking where this line is going very much, it's really in the right direction, the one the g3s should have been on all along. Bravo, Hasbro and Lauren and Hub!

Does anyone realise the names can be put in alphabetical order?

Dewdrop Dazzle

Cute observation, Crystal!
Yay, more new ponies! I'm very excited about this. I'm still waiting for an orange and green pony to come out though. lol. They will be added to the wishist. And here I thought I would be as close to up to date as possible just needing Cheerlie and Lily. lol
Where oh where can we find these!! I still have yet to see Lily blossom in stores and now there's three more?!! I have the 6 original and the Pinkie Pie Valentine but where can we find these???? I so want.. Love love love.