NEW Exclusives? Spotted on ebay...


In a Faraway Land
MLPTP Supporter
Mar 22, 2006
Saw this over at the arena and thought I would share. 3 Lots have been bought with the white, green and pink ponies from an ebay seller in Hong Kong.
Speculation is that the white will be the Comic Con, the Green the Pony Con, and the Pink a charity pony.


Original thread at arena can be found HERE.

Honestly, If they are the new exclusives I'm not that impressed. What are your opinions on them?
the pink one ISN'T the core 7 pose! i think that's a good sign!

as to the other two...the white one i sorta like, the green one not so much...i hope neither are a CC cause neither are super heros

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
If these ponies are being sold from Hong Kong, though... Isn't there a good chance that they are sadly fakies, or...? < :c It would be too bad if they were, really...
woah... I thought I'd be getting this year's exclusive, but if that green one is it then I have some fantastic news for my wallet. I love green and pink but that's ugly as sin.
Ugh, they are all pretty hideous.:ipmimscs:

I guess if I do get them I won't have to feel bad about not having them on display. It will give me a good reason to start storing my collector ponies on their sides instead of facing out where I can see them.

I am not a fan of any charity ponies. I find them too depressing. At least I know I won't even be considering get that one.

I will get the comicon pony, even though I am not impressed at all. Previous years were so much more interesting.

I don't even know what to think about the pony con one. It's so ugly. I may just have to pass it up, exclusive or not. Then again, if we all do that, maybe she will wind up being the only pony con exclusive actually worth anything 20 years from now!:hysterical:
I actually really like the white and green ponies. I'm not crazy about the pink one. I think it's the pose. She looks very obviously like a breast cancer awareness pony.

Is this the same seller who's listed prototypes from the factories in the past? Did anyone in the community buy one of the lots?
I love the white one. I thought there wouldn't be anymore G3 mold ponies, though. So just with them being normal G3s and not being Core 7 makes me want them.
Is this the same seller who's listed prototypes from the factories in the past? Did anyone in the community buy one of the lots?

I am not sure if they are from the same seller as the past. I don't recall who that was. Though these lots were bought by Clipper, Silversnow and specklefire on the the arena. I assume once they actually arrive at their new homes more pictures and perhaps a bit more information may come out.
omg green pony must have
Hmmm, they are cute... but why are they packaged with Gardenia glow (green pony, top left)? You'd think they'd do 4 all new ponies...
I really like the pink one! Except I wish her ribbon/heart was a painted on symbol.. I never really understood or liked the whole 3D symbol thing. ): me no likes
Interesting. Personally, I like 'em. Nice to see those girls..Beauties!
new ponies

They're okay; maybe it's just me but I'm not into words on a pony, and one of um looks like it's it's got the funky letters. They're not terrible but it's hard to tell from pics like this - I'll wait till I actually see them. I'm just kind of tired of reissue ponies, so at least most of them look different.
Probably nabbed from the production line at the factory. That's why I never try to go for ponies that are either listed as prototypes or unreleased. They're usually stolen. Though not always, especially if there's a store at the plant where you can buy overuns or if you get a factory tour, sometimes you get samples off the line. That might be why there's a Gardenia Glow in the mix, if it was a factory overun purchase.

They're probably upcoming collectors ponies. The painting detail doesn't scream fakie.