New character and artist challenge


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 2, 2005
Eep! I needed a pic to work on so I could reset all my settings in Photoshop and I finally designed a new friend for Top Speed and Silvered. She's been changing forms alot since I came up with the idea but she's finally take shape and while this is just a draft pic I wanted to show her off.

oh but before you see the pic, I have a challenge to you artists. I'd like to see your representation of this pony, because not only is she a flutter...she's also competely bald except for her tail.

Meet Clex.


I try to incorporate my favorite chracters from a fandom into one pony, Silvered being a shining example. Clex is reprenstative of Lex and Clark from Smallville. She's purple and bald for Lex and has a blue/yellow/red tail for Clark as well as the symbol.

Personality wise, she's more like Lex then Clark and let's just say, she and Silvered don't exactly get along, both having sarcastic alpha personalities. And I have no idea why she has Lana's Kryptonite necklace, she insisted while I was drawing.

So, anyone want to try a hand at a bald pony? *g*

I posted this over at the Arena but I want to see if any TP artist want to give it a try!
*LMAO* Very cool. I love the explanation! ^_^

ooo i love her! hehehe such s cute idea. clex LOLOL love it, great job hun!

I had my ponymaker open and I just had to give it a try. :p


Unfortunately, flutter wings don't like white backgrounds. :/
CM is there still a link to your pony maker??
I'm coding a new one with the bases in my signature. I just finished the basic parts so it should be up fairly soon, along with the old bases.
Ack! CM that is totally awesome! The expression is priceless. Thank you!

And I'm glad everyone is getting a kick out of her *g*