"New" Best Friends & Favorite Friends UPDATE pics Page 5

Meh. If they had packaged all the accessories together in an "accessory fun pack" I'd be all over it, but no way I'm dropping $5 on a rerelease for one accessory.

Starsong's wings look stunted . . . I think they'd look fine if they were broader at the tips and about two or three times bigger. :/

I'll be picking up some of the white unicorn for custom baits, though.

Do these ponies have symbols on both sides? I noticed some are facing left and some right in the photo, and since they're all in the same pose . . .
I liked the G3 wings, but Starsong's...not so much.
Uuuummmmmmmmmmm..... are they in the SAME POSES as the other re-releases? If all that's new with this wave is the accessory..I really don't think they will fly. Hasbro is a riot...:hysterical:
I love Scootaloo on the surf board. I definitely have to get her since I dont own her yet. I was going to get her in the assortment that was just released, but now I'll wait for her to be released with the surfboard since I mostly collect "beachy" MLPs! She's perfect. The accessories are adorable! I especially love the sand pail and shovel.
I'll chime in with one more voice to agree with everyone else. Cute accessories, stunted wings... And seriously, are they just the same as the previous rerelease with new accessories? That's craziness! No wonder I've been so distracted by LPS lately (oh yeah, and work too...)
Oh gosh.... Now another wave I must buy! I'm going to be going for bankrupt soon enough if this doesn't end. Hopefully this "Core 7" thing fizzles out, b/c I might not be saving $$ after all!
That surfboard is the best! But Starsong's wings do look a bit weird...

I just now realized- Toola Roola has the same color combo as Rarity, only she's a lighter shade of pink.
I am very confused. Rainbow Dash was listed in wave one and two but were there any differences at all? Also there was supposed to be a pinkie pie with a yellow hat somewhere between waves two and three. And did the first Toola Roola ever come out? This is a nightmare for people who collect variants.....
That surfboard is the best! But Starsong's wings do look a bit weird...

I just now realized- Toola Roola has the same color combo as Rarity, only she's a lighter shade of pink.

And Sweetie Belle has a variant of Rarity's symbol. *Sighs*

I don't at all care for the new pegasus' wings.

the accessories are cute

i think i will like SOME of them. Who is the last pony??

The new Toola Roola. I think she is cute, I love her new symbol but I don't care for them using same name.
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Triple Treat is on Amazon Japan, but not BBTS, is she not here in the US?
She was in the last wave....

I looked these up, all of them would be about $44... before s/h. I want to get a few, but then I always end up wanting them all. :(
Starsong is actually quite pretty! I like her shade of purple quite a bit; her symbol also appears a bit stylized and I like that. I had planned on getting one of Sweetie-Belle too, but she seems too generic for me. I'll have to give it a think.
Whoa. Sweetie Belle looks good from that side- better than from the other side (the V-day release.)
Scootaloo looks awesome packaged up with her surf board like that.
Starsong still looks weird with those little wings, but I'll probably get her.
Okay, I hate the way Hasbro feels the need to manacle every new accessory to a pony's leg. I can accept it for the kite . . . maybe even the umbrella. But a picnic basket? A pail? It looks stupid to have them floating in mid-air like that and it makes the accessory itself unsightly.