My Newest Rapunzel Custom...Rapunzelvania!

Very amusing little comic and a beautiful custom. I'm really rather liking this series...the design works much better (or at least much more to my taste) when done in something other than pink and yellow...that's best saved for lemonade ponies. *nods*

~Storm Singer
:lol: I love the comic and the pony! Great colors, and perfect for Halloween, but I have a thing for yellow and purple together, so I still think she should have yellow hair instead.
*wishes for a yellow Rapunzel with purple hair*
Can't wait to see what color 'Punzie you make next!
Now that's a punzie I'd buy! I hate the original, but purple and black are my favorite colors:) Awesome job! I wish I had the time/hair to make an alternate :D Since so many are asking about her, I say you should raffle her off, I know plenty of us would buy tickets :wink:
Ooh, I love this one, and the comic was hilarious! (didn't you always know punzies would be catty!)
OMG O MG OMG! SHE'S PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she's fantastic Angelus!! you've done an AMAZING job! i loooooove her *steals her and puts her on her shelf*
I must say: most beautiful Rapunzel ever! ^^ Oh wow. And the name's pretty clever too, hehe. *grins*

You are really talented, keep it up! I never really liked the original Rapunzel because of the icky colors, but your two beauties are something completely different! And especially this new purple beauty, I love her colors!

Oh snap! Hilarious! ^^
no, don't raffle (I never win!) put her on ebay!!
That turned out great! Do you take commissions at all for these? It may be the only way I ever get a Rapunzel of any
WOW She's GORGEOUS!!!!! I love your Rapunzel customs so much better than the original :wink:

She is fabulous! I--like most of the other who have replied--would love to get a custom Rapunzel--or at least participate in a raffle for her..
Who one the blue one, anyway? I'm sooo happy for them. :evil:
Those curls are SO GORGEOUS!!!!! And your little comic is cute. ^_^ Wonderful job!

wow, she's really purdy... *drools*
Thank you everyone for the nice feedback!

I'm no factory, but I'll try to churn out as many Rapunzels as I can. I do not take comissions because I never know when I'll have time to start a custom...and more importantly finish it. I've gotten a lot of requests and I just wouldn't be able to keep up!

20somethingpackrat was the winner of Rapunzel in Blue.

However this time I think I'm going to try selling Rapunzelvania on ebay. :) I could do another raffle, but last time one of the reasons I did the raffle because I also had the MIB Rosedust as a prize and this time I don't have anything else of that value to add to the jackpot (Well actually I do...but they belong in my collection!:p)

Anyway I'll keep everyone updated and I will definitely advertise the auction when it goes up.
Oooo very pretty =) I love it. Beautiful collors. Great work on her :)
WOW!! She's brilliant!! Well done!!!! :D