My new chum! Her is the prettiness!

She's beautiful Bunny :) I love the plushies. I only have Lofty
Big Lofty forced me, since he's named after the big guy & all lol
I'll have to go have a nosy at the MLP collectors page
Oo I won't be having a nosy lol it's a closed group. Not kitty friendly
There are so many MLP facebook pages are there any other good ones?
I might need to send you an invitation, Red Tabby, let me see... I thought it was an open group!
It may not include kiwis, I should do a search on the NZ MLP groups :)

It doesn't look like there are any :shock:

Maybe I should motivate my self to start a pony facebook page or something?
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You should totally do it! I'll join. We can be our own club.
Yeah, a face book page that it would be ok for the little kiddies to join. Spread the pony virus further :) Something like the pony playpen or the like
Aw, that would be cute! Maybe we should do it! I'll make my nieces join so we can torture them
Yeah, a face book page that it would be ok for the little kiddies to join. Spread the pony virus further :) Something like the pony playpen or the like

MLP Collectors is adult only :S I am an over grown child
My biggest concern would be keeping the nasties out so the kids ( or more so parents) wouldn't have to worry about the littlies safety
You just have to be a really diligent mod. I moderated one of the largest Harry Potter boards on yahoo back in the day and we CONSTANTLY had to keep an eye out. Kids would post their phones numbers or addresses, wanting pen pals or just a chat and we'd have to jump and take them down. The kids thought we were mean, but we were trying to keep them safe. 10,000 something people in a board. It was nightmarish sometimes. And Yahoo had a private chat function we had to disable, otherwise creepos could hit up on kids and we'd never know it!

They thought we were awful meanies, but we kept up the Mad Eye Moody credo of Constant Vigilance!
That is my biggest concern, having the time to put into moderating for the safety sake.
Then again, there's something to be said about tossing them into the shark infested waters to teach them to swim REALLY fast! Bwahahaha!
Yeah, survival of the fittest. Had a closer look at the MLP collectors FB page. You do have to be approved by someone by the look of if. Meh
She's great! Her hair is perfect and she even still has her tag! Nice find :winkpony:
Huzzah! Maybe you all could have a meet up. I'd love to meet some TX collectors, but we're all so far apart. I'd love a little Pony Club or something near me.
I think that is the case here too, everyone seems pretty spread out. I must say they make me feel a little old :blush: