My Little Pony and Memories


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Mar 30, 2014
Hey Everyone!

There has been something on my mind a lot lately, so I wanted to share...
I know that we each have our different reasons for loving My Little Pony (there are so many things to love). :)

I believe that one of my main reasons for being drawn to My Little Pony is that I desperately miss that time period, especially the early 90's for me, when I was able to play with my garage sale collection of ponies without a care in the world. They each had their own unique names and personalities and stories; the possibilities in life back then seemed endless. I turned 25 this year, and I have been pining for my childhood as I've passed through it the past few years--and so quickly, it always seems. The line separating then and now was so thin.

That whole decade when I was basking in the joy of childhood just feels so distant now, yet it is all I can think about sometimes. I will watch videos of old commercials; read websites devoted to describing toys and styles in that time; browse auction sites to see if they are selling one of the toys I can faintly recall; think of all the long summer days my siblings and I played outside until the sun disappeared.

Exploring the past brings happiness to me now. At the same time, it makes my heart ache because it's almost as though I can feel it with all my senses, but I know that I can't bring it back. But I feel so blessed to have had such good things in my childhood to remember, and I understand that memories are constantly being made, so I should appreciate but not dwell.

My Little Pony beautifully symbolizes the innocence and happiness of those days, and even now as an adult, it gives me the closest feeling I can find of holding something still magical in my hands.

Thank you, My Little Pony!
Yeah, those are similar memories I'm fond of with my original collection... the days of make-believing with the pony toys, taking them everywhere, watching the cartoon series every day on Disney channel and replaying the episodes out through the toy collection~

Those were also the days of exploring woods outside, carefree... enjoying nature, before more serious aspects of life set in as we get older, where we almost forget about these things we did as kids that we were able to freely enjoy because.... nothing else bogged us down.

My tip is to keep those beautiful memories always.They made me cry

I agree,nostalgia is a wonderful thing for those who miss childhood
Yes, nostalgia for childhood is probably what brought a lot of us into the MLP fandom. I also have many great memories of playing with my ponies as a child, of my grandparents (great providers of ponies) and friends I played ponies with.

I still do have those good memories. I also have more good friends as an adult who I've met through our mutual pony collecting. New friends, new memories.

vanillacandles, your story reminds me a lot of my own experience. Hours of pouring over pictures of old toys on the web and the obsession of getting them all back. And wishing so much that I was still a child. Sigh.
Oh childhood memories :3 I remember all my ponies names and what families their belonged to, who was my favorite etc. I loved to play with my friends with these ponies and what adventures they went to. They would go to sea, mountains, jungles, caves and what ever out imagination would think of.. also as ordinary as going to school and keeping a shop ;).
Great memories that I will value in my heart. In reality I can't play my whole life so it is nice to have concrete memory in from of ponies to remind me of that time. Also these ponies are so cute how can someone resist them? :p
But really My little pony was great then and still is now ;)
I have great memories with my ponies. I used to act with them and put on plays. I really loved that Dream Castle and show stable and I still have memories of both. The only thing I wish I could block out of my mind was me giving all my ponies away. :/ I guess without great sorrow I couldn't have happiness in finding them again.
I remember a lot of my old toys. Not every last one of them, of course, because I had an entire room stacked floor to ceiling with toys (my father was inattentive and thought buying me things could substitute for spending time with me). I remember my ponies and horse figurines, my large assortment of Barbies, Diaper Baby Dinos, Quints, Puppy/Kitty/Pony in my Pocket, Cupcake Dolls, Power Rangers, Transformers, Skydancers, Koosh Balls, Tamagotchis, Care Bears and tons of other plush toys... I also remember my old video games, like Bubble Bobble, Catz & Dogz, Freddy Fish, and The Magic School Bus.

I played by myself most of the time, because I was an only child and didn't have many friends (and those I had didn't last long). I had a difficult time at school because I was bullied a lot, so every day I looked forward to coming home and playing with my toys. I remember a lot of the games I played with them, my favourites being shopkeeper and wedding. I never took them to school or to friends' houses with me, for fear of them getting lost of damaged; instead my friends came over and played with me at my grandmother's house. I did take toys with me on holiday and to the hospital, though.

I can remember a lot of events in my life by remembering what toys I had with me or was given at the time. Like my earliest Christmases, I remember the one year my cousin and I each got dolls in different coloured dresses (and "Santa" got me a second one), and another time I got my first ever Ken doll (at which I exclaimed, "it's a MAN!"). The year we holidayed in Knysna, I played with my Diaper Baby Dinos around the rented house, I got DnW Baby Flicker at the department store, and I received a beautiful white Easter bunny with rainbow paw pads and a big basket of chocolate eggs. I can remember holidays at the coast through the Barbies I got there, the plushies I had in the car on the drive down, or the glow-in-the-dark figurines I got with kids meals when we got takeout. I can remember when I got my tonsils out, my parents gave me Pregnant Barbie (truly a disturbing doll, thinking back on it), and when I had my appendix out, my dad bought me a 1000 piece puzzle (which was obviously too big to build there, so I had to wait until I was discharged) and my mother bought me a teddy bear that I still sleep with at home. I can even remember watching Princess Diana's funeral on TV and having a funeral for my Barbies with an old styrofoam ice cream box.

I look at my ponies or reminisce about the other toys I used to have and I get nostalgic for a time when things were simple, a time when I had no worries and I didn't know pain or suffering. Everything was just plastic and nylon and fake fur, hidden stashes of candy, watercolour paints, playing pretend out in the garden, riding my bicycle around indoors, building forts out of chairs and sheets, and watching cartoons on TV after school. Everything went to hell in my teens, when my dad left and we lost the house and everything we owned was taken to the auction house and sold off. From then on I was forced to grow up and face reality entirely too quickly, and in the blackness of my depression I forgot most of my childhood. I'm now an adult, and bad things happen around me all the time. Things I can't change or control, things that I can only stand and watch helplessly, and try to deal with afterwards. In just over ten years, I've come to know pain, trauma, death and loss, I have seen cruelty and ignorance, and I've come to know fear. Things that I was blissfully unaware of as a child.

I hold my ponies in my hands and I long for the safety and security of my youth, the innocence and naivete, back when I had a happy family, a house with a big garden to play in with my dog, and the most I had to worry about was getting lost at the mall or having to stay late at school.
Lots of us are right with you.......memories, are cherished. Childhood is gone in a blink of an eye. I still collect (LOTS of toys), mostly because my memories were refreshed after my first daughter started playing with my MLP.....years ago.........
so for me, my children give me an keep playing. :) I don't plan on growing up...anytime soon.
Wait, you guys grew up? Is that mandatory, because I'm not going down willingly.

Well yeah, sorry to be the one to tell you! *lol*
As adults we do have to take responsibility for our actions, and take care of ourselves (we do not have anyone to do it for us). Have to admit it is really disturbing with people that "needs to grow up" in those criterias, and many of them will sooner or later probably end up in trouble/unhealthy/ in prison/without a descent income etc and/or parasite on others.
That is ok for kids (not to be a criminal, but you know what I mean- it is the parents responsibility), not considered ok for adults! :p

To be nostalgic, to be a child in spirit, playful, creative etc is all great and to have the perspective of a kid.
I can not stop getting the thing out of my head that my BF really seems to wish he was a child and tries to act like it in way too many situations!
Playing with toys - cute, like drawing "immature" comics - funny and cute, like to pretend that no rules made up by society applies to him- NOT CUTE! LoL
One of the reasons I collect MLP and other toys is to keep myself young. I know that I'm still young, but being in college, about to graduate and go out in to this big world and becoming a fully functioning adult with a full time job and bills, while exciting, is daunting. The toy collections I have remind me not to give up on my dreams, to be creative, and to never loose that part of my childhood where I was curious and imaginative.
Thank you--I loved reading all of your replies. :) I can definitely see how nostalgia is such a big part of a My Little Pony collection. Cherished memories are one of the sad (by being longed for) but absolutely beautiful and irreplicable facets of life; and while we might always long for that childhood innocence, those memories will always be carried within us! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Can't believe how fast this year has gone.