My little My Little Pony Collection


The herd grows! I rehabbed TAF Fifi's hair myself. :)

The only pony missing is Draco's Alternative Milky Way, who I'm still trying to figure out how I want to display her.

The herd, she grows! A lot of these guys I picked up from a Goodwill auction - all in amazing shape. I love finding well cared for ponies; it's nice to know they were very much loved. Let's see...

- I tried hairfixing on all of these girls except for the ones who left the 80s unscathed in that department. Varying degrees of success.
- I completely rehaired Strawberry up in the right corner there after trying and failing to bring her hair back to life. Her scalp split pretty badly but the hair holds! ...for now.
- I really, really REALLY need risers or more shelf space...
- The ponies up top were really just because I didn't have enough space :lolpony:
Little collection isn't so little! They look amazing!

Little future advice! For the split scalp, next time before hairing use glue called "Liquid Fusion". It seals splits, and leaves it soft enough for you to root through still.