My first ever thrift-find :)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 22, 2005
(I'll upload some pictures once it's clean)

I found the G2 purple stable today! after joking with my mum that I never find any ponies anywhere ever, lol! It was in bits, but the hinges are fine and I re-assembled it there-and-then. It hasn't got any accessories, but the little bed in the middle is complete and it isn't broken or anything.

I'm really happy with it! And for only £1 :) It's probably going to be claimed by my only G2 (silver swirl) as her castle ;)
Did any ponies go with this little set?

EDIT: duh....just looked on dream valley! Turns out I got that little naity table too :) I thought it was a strawberry shortcake accessorie! lol!
Has anyone got the reverse-colours long-haired Ivy for trade/sale?
thanks Ahrian, I was looking for that site earlier :)
I have this set, and it comes with hmmm, let me go and check to box to make sure, it's called Pretty Parlour with Ivy! Ivy has a super long mane, she's gorgeous! I got the boxed set at a shop a few years ago, rock on G2's!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!