My First Ever Nirvana Brag!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 23, 2011
Oh my gosh, you guys! I was looking for a Pesca on eBay, and I found her right away:


She has the most beautiful, bright red symbols I've ever seen, they're quite striking. I just wish I was a better photographer to do her justice. Which reminds me:


That's right, I found TWO of them. In the same lot. This one's symbols look kinda fade-y and weird, but that hair! It's almost magenta, really, in the right light. It's absolutely glorious.

They both have really soft, nice hair. It looks a little funny now because they've just had it conditioned, but once they dry out, it'll be gorgeous. It was basically perfect when I got them, but I wanted to tame it a little bit.

I'm so excited, I'm freaking out! I think I officially have a Peachy army now (2 Americans, 2 Italians, and also a 25th Anniversary Snuzzle since she's kind of related).
Beauties divine! Woo hoo! They look so know it..awww..much love..
Congrats! Peachy is an awesome, and under appreciated pony. :)
Ooh, she's pretty. I like her deep colors. She seems to be in pretty good shape, too.
Yeah :) Congrats!