My Deadliest Catch Ponies


Proud Killjoy Pony
Feb 11, 2006
As you all know, lately I have been on a kick making Deadliest Catch related ponies. I have a whole slew planned out and waiting in line. I had intended to ask for them slowly, one by one but I figured hey, since I have them all thought out why not just make a catch-all thread?

Now I warn you there's a TON of personas here, but tackle the ones that you like, that strike you as fun to do. I just thought it would be fun to put up all their descriptions and let everyone have a go at them and see what happens. So many talented artists here. I hope I'm not breaking any rules, and if no one does any of them that's ok to. I just want to get my fleet completed! LOL!

This is the link to the color code chart from which I pull all my color references so it's kind of crucial.

So the first pony.


Species: G1 Unicorn

Body Color: Pale gold FFFF55

Hair: Lightish green 33EE66, Teal 00FF99, Darker Green 007700 and a streak of gold seashells in her hair like so and Personas/shell2.png and Personas/shell3bycc.png and Personas/shell4bycc.png and Personas/shellbycc.png

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: and Personas/sirensymbolwavesbycc.png

Eyes: Purple 661188

Next we have Serendipity

Species: G1 Earth Twinkle-Eye

Body Color: Pink FF11DD, and a gradient of lighter pink FF88DD on her legs

Hair: Purple CC55DD, Darker purple 9900DD, pale blue CCDDDD

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: A anchor like this and Personas/anchor_john_olsen_02.jpg

A compass rose and Personas/compass-rose.gif

And on her front left leg an octopus. Have fun with the octopus maybe make him bright colors so he stands out

Eyes: Dark Pink FF00BB

Next pony is in tribute to one of my other favorite fishing vessels. The Wizard Surprise, her name is Wizette. LOL!

Species: G1 Unicorn

Body Color: Deep red CC0022

Hair: Black, White, and red-red FF0011

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: Wizard logo on their merch. Tweak it as you see fit to make it show up good. and Personas/Wiz_banner7.jpg

Eyes: Yellow FFFF22

Next up is Cornelia, in honor of the Cornelia Marie of course.

Species: G1 Pegasus

Color: Blue-gray 3377BB

Hair: Bright teal 33FFEE, Yellow FFEE22

Tail: Same as above

Logo: The CM logo, nevermind the other crap I just want the boat and the ribbon part none of the words except for the CM on the ribbon that I do want and Personas/CM_Kodiak.gif
The initials CM on her front left leg in FFEE22

Eyes: Pale yellow FFFF33

Next in tribute to the Time Bandit we have....Bandit!

Species: G1 Sweetheart Sister Earth

Body: Black

Hair: White, Gray 777777 lighter gray CCCCCC and for color deep blue 000066

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: The Time Bandit Jolly Roger of course and Personas/1180418E.jpg
And a triple "H" in white on her front left leg for the three Hillstrands

Eyes: Deep Green 002200

For my other favorite boat sadly no longer on the Series I miss her so, we have Rollo!

Species: G1 style Uni-Peg

Body Color: Blue like 00AACC

Hair: Icy white, Greenish blue 00AA99, Medium blue 0099DD

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: A crab pot and Personas/dcpot3.jpg

A buoy and Personas/buoy2.jpg

And a "R" on her front left leg in White

Eyes: Sea green 00FFAA

Lastly we have a sea pony for my crew Crab Kitty

Species: Adult Sea Pony

Body color: Bluish-Purple 9999EE

Hair: Darker Purple 9966EE, Teal 00FFDD

Symbol: Crab necklace like the baby sea ponies with necklaces have also feel free to put a crab, or a fish or something related on her tail if you like

Eyes: Purpe 9922CC

WHEW! I hope you guys have fun with my Deadliest Catch fleet and THANK YOU to anyone who even attempts one!
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They are all girls for sure. Which seems wrong at first, but meh it will work. Yea this is CERTAINLY a challenge but with your amazing artwork I can't WAIT!

P.S. I clicked on your babies!
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i'll take a stab at them when i have more time on the computer to play with them. didnt have much time tonight. phooey. hope you like the one girl i made.

quick question. what color do you want sirens harp to be?
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Time Bandit and Northwestern are my favorite, LOL! I was going to make a Time Bandit pony- only with the jolly roger and a clock..hahaha! I think i'll draw them. When my tablet's off the fritz, that is.
i'll take a stab at them when i have more time on the computer to play with them. didnt have much time tonight. phooey. hope you like the one girl i made.

quick question. what color do you want sirens harp to be?

Take your time, and hmm....let's go with a pretty greenish color maybe, or purple perhaps, whichever you think looks better! I trust ya! ~Hugs~ I loved the sea pony!
wow. these can be time consuming. i may take one a day to do.
so here is siren for you. i hope she looks right.

Oh Ducky she's GORGEOUS! I was kind of totally un-sure about my color choices but seeing them on her I realize it actually does work! She's sooooo pretty!~Massive hugs~ Thank you soooooooo much1 I ADORE her you did a great job!
I decided to add one more pony. I don't as of yet have a Winger sooooooo


Species: G1 Windy Wing

Body Color: Super light blue like 99FFBB

Hair: White, Purple-blue 6600DD, lighter purple blue like 5555BB maybe some seashells in it

Tail: Same as above

Logo: A lighthouse with very stormy waves around it. Sort of like this {extra kudos if you can make the light/beacon show up}

Eyes: 66FFDD

Wings: Various shades of stormy waters, dark blues, purples and white. Vanora means white wave so I'm going for a stormy waters theme here.
ok, i was able to do serendipity for you. i didnt have any g1 earth linearts that would work, so i used the i used for your dutch harbor angel.

hope you like her. i like the color scheme.

And yet again Duckie you pull through for me! She is STUNNING! Wow.......I mean WOW! Your right her color scheme came out AWESOME!~Huge hugs~ What an amazingly AWESOME job you did on her! I ADORE her! Love the octopus! you didn't have to do that for me! I am at a total loss for words.......~Hugs and bounces up and down~ That is so sweet and OMG THEY ALL LOOK GORGEOUS!

~Bounces and hugs more~

Seriousy you guys, I want to say when your depressed, you've been dumped and having an awful go of it you guys bring such smiles to my face.

Starrby they are STUNNING! My bad on Rollo, I type that much I'm bound to forget something. Yeesh. She's a G1 style uni-peg or Alicorn, whatever the proper term is.

So Starrby.


Does that get my point across? LOL!
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Can anyone think of a breed I have forgotten? I'm trying to have a slew of different ponies here for my DC ponies. Also if anyone has any nautical ideas for ponies I am so open to suggestions!
I feel like you should make a merpony. I don't think that's technically a breed every released, just the sea ponies... but yeah- a merpony.
something to the tune of

but way better than my crappy paint job
Starrby I so love the fact that you made Bandit a G2 I am keeping her as a G2.

TheBeth ok I am SO DIGGING that idea.......mer-pony it is and your lineart is AWESOME!

Ok I have two more to add into the mix! I am taking Beth's idea of a mer-pony.


Species: Mer pony

Body Color: Pale pale green-gray CCEEDD

Hair: All pale colors Pale blue-gray CCEEFF, Pale teal 99FFDDPale green 99FF88

Tail Color: Palish medium green 99EEBB

Symbol: A beluga whale on her tail either whole body and Personas/beluga.jpg

Or just the head and Personas/beluga2.jpg

Eyes: Green 00FF66

Next up


Species: G1 Unicorn TAF style

Body Color: Silver-Gray AAAAAA that fades to CCCCCC down her legs in a gradient

Hair: Mainly gray-silver like CCCCCC, a bit of blue like 33FFBB and one streak of yellow like FFFF22

Tail: Same as above

Symbol: Main symbol on her hip is a glacier like so Personas/Iceberg_in_Alaska_by_jamesyfx.jpg

The rest of her covered in Alaskan blue poppies and Personas/Poppypreview.jpg Personas/himalayan-poppies-picture_7106.jpg

On her cheek I'd like a small glacier as a symbol as well

Eye color: Palest Glacier blue 99FFEE

Whew...Ok I swear I think I'm done now for a good long while. Thanks SO MUCH EVERYONE I've been so depressed and putting my creativity in overdrive helps!