My Amazing Day Yesterday! (Pic heavy)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jan 22, 2007
I just had to tell someone besides my husband about my freak'n awesome day yesterday!! Well, it didn't start out awesome, I had tons of work to do for school and I was feeling really under the weather. My mom calls me up all excited and said she had found some ponies for me over the weekend at an antique store. Now, usually I get fakies or ponies with severe hair cuts from her so I wasn't all that enthusiastic. She insisted she needed to come over and give them to me. I kept telling her I had work to do but about half an hour later she shows up and hands me a bag of these:

Well, I was in shock, until she hands me a bag of these:

followed by this:


and these,

Well, by now I am following off my seat and have completely forgotten all about my homework. She tells me that the total for everything was 80.00 but when she got up to the cash register the booth was 50% off!!! I couldn't believe it! All of that for 40 dollars! Then she tells me there were other things that she didn't get. I grabbed my shoes and purse and literally ran out the door. When I got there I didn't see any more ponies and bent down to look at some strawberry shortcake items but I happened to look up and I see 6 boxes pushed way back. I was literally trembling at this point. I pulled them down and this is what they were:




I ran to the checkout and they ended up being 35.00 dollars total for all 6!!! originally 70 but 50% off! The lady said they had been there for months! So, ultra happy and high on ponies we drove towards home but I had my mom swing into Value Village near my house who never has anything and I found:

*sigh*--my best pony day ever! I will never complain again :)
:shock: :shock: That is literally the biggest find of the YEAR! No...EVER! I have no words. There is drool all over my desk. I must go before I implode....
:shock: OMG :shock: You need to go buy a lottery ticket now! That's some incredible luck! Congrats!

OMG that is totally awesome. You are one lucky chickie. :shock: That is one of the biggest finds I think I have ever heard about. Major congrats!!!
Holy Moses. :shock: I'm freaking speechless! You are indeed one lucky lady!! :eek:
Thanks :)

*hee hee* lottery ticket:)my husband said the exact same thing when he got home last night. I figured I shouldn't press my luck (lol). They are all still stacked on the table (aside from the ballet set which I set up). I just keep glancing over at them while I work waiting to either wake up or have them evaporate in front of my eyes. Or worse, find out I am having a schizophrenic hallucination. Which is why I had to post pics so that others saw them do see them right?.... :wink:
I'm almost in tears because I'm so jealous! LOOK AT THOSE GORGEOUS MIBS!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!! :D :D :D
Playful Heart said:
:shock: :shock: That is literally the biggest find of the YEAR! No...EVER! I have no words. There is drool all over my desk. I must go before I implode....


Edit because I'm choherent again:

If my mom said, "Oh, there was more, too", I probably would have fallen onto the floor, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks, and proceeded to have an epileptic seizure... just because. I'd probably have died. Or screamed very, very loudly. Or all of the above.

*sprinkles good luck pony dust on all the sweeties on the mlptp*---I have to say my favorites are the baby brothers. I have a few but they are ratty and don't have their scarves. These ones are so minty fresh and cute *cuddles leaper lovingly*
:shock: *faints*

Wow! I bet you're still trembling from the overdose of pony awesomeness. A HUGE congrats to you medleysong!!!
Oh my god, that's literally like a cracked out pony dream come true! :shock: I'm trembling a bit just reading about it. I'm a little envious of your pony luck, but I'm mainly jealous that you have such an awesome mom. :lol: Mega-grats to you!
All that for $75!!! I'd of died and when they revived me I'd die again!! Wow, just those boys woulda had me squealling like a fangirl! But all the rest would made me faint!
*mouth drops* :O Hoow?? Ooh my goodness!! That is some awesome luck there!! Everything is so complete and MIB and factory curled hair and mint!! That's a good spin on a bad day of illness and homework. MAaaajor Congrats!