Moving the Aussie fair


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 3, 2007
I've been considering this for a long time, trying to find venues and accomodation in a state you don't live in is proving to be really difficult. My thoughts are if people are ok with it that it moves to perth, just there is at least 3-4 of us that are all ready to go. Unless someone from melbourne can step forward and take on the responsibility of organising the venue and finding accomodation i can't see another way around it other then moving the fair to here. I'm hoping we don't have to but at least it gives people 8 months notice if they need to come to perth.

i'm hoping someone can step forward or unfortunatly it will have to move to perth.
If i'd known organising the venues etc was going to be this difficult from out of state I would have suggested the fair be in perth earlier on, sorry to inconvience anyone but unless someone has another solution the fair will be in perth.

Please note if no one steps forward by the end of the week the 17th of January the fair will be taking place in perth. Sorry for the short notice but as much time as possible needs to be given to the success of the fair
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